Christian Drosten, German virologist – what’s the problem?
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
Or perhaps he’s a ‘Gog RSV eliminator’, an anagram of ‘German virologist’. Or even into ‘overt glamorising’ of germs and viruses.
Anyway, it is great to have the German with the virology as germ theory is fundamentally a German theory.
Admittedly Louis Pasteur, French, is also one of the fathers of Germ theory but he is now past-eur his best!
However we are talking about Christian Drosten, not Louis Pasteur, today. I was aware of the chap but Eugyppius who has a substack did an excellent post the other day. It is informative and amusing. Here’s the link.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle
Oct 21, 2023
Christian Drosten, enduring virologoid villain, demands mass livestock virus testing and scientific truth panels to enhance pandemic preparedness and marginalise people who disagree with him
He is I believe German himself. He has some wonderful lines which I won’t repeat here.
You might find his article sufficient on its own, but as I found some interesting anagrams of Christian’s name I thought my own contributions might be helpful and amuse.
As usual I will use Wikipedia as a basis. Quotes in italics from here unless otherwise stated. I am likely to take a tongue-in-cheek approach to him.
And this is him. It is the best I could find and that isn’t great.
I don’t think he bothers to comb his hair. Not that I have much but I do look after what I have.
In full he is Christian Heinrich Maria Drosten. Now this gets to me straightaway. I know that giving a female name to boys seems to be a Roman Catholic thing to do, but it has always jarred with me.
As to its meaning this link is helpful.
It says
Maria is a historically feminine name of Latin origin. It can be translated to either mean “of the sea,” “bitter,” “beloved,” or “rebellious.”
So as regards Christian you can take your choice. Whilst I have nothing against the name Maria in this instance I go with the sound of the name, ma rear. This is appropriate given the man’s record during COVID.
He was born 1972 and whose research focus is on novel viruses (emergent viruses).
The word ‘novel’ is used as the current mainstream virology theory is made up like a story.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Drosten came to national prominence as an expert on the implications and actions required to combat the illness in Germany.
He was not well known before and now will be the fall guy as things go belly up.
And of course we all trust experts nowadays, don’t we (ahem).
By the way, I will put some anagrams in inverted commas without specifying what they pertain to, but hopefully it should be obvious.
If I digress from Mr Drosten into other people in his work don’t be surprised.
And today, to take up the lament of the nuns in the Sound of Music, ‘Oh, how do you solve a problem like Ma rear?’ I hope the following may provide some solutions.
Early life and education
Drosten was born in Lingen and grew up on a farm in Groß Hesepe [de], Emsland.
Emsland is on the northwest of Germany on the border with the Netherlands. As regards the town of Lingen I gather from its Wiki page that
On 25 July 2019, Lingen set the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded within Germany with a daytime high temperature of 42.6 degrees Celsius (109 degrees Fahrenheit).
So a bit more than 42, but close enough, the ultimate answer to the ultimate question, what was the hottest temperature ever recorded within Germany to date.
After graduating from the episcopal college Gymnasium Marianum [de] in Meppen, Drosten initially studied chemical engineering and biology in Dortmund and Münster.
In Germany they exercise the mind in a gymnasium.
From 1994, he studied medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and completed his third state examination in May 2000.
So he not so much went to university but decided to ‘Goethe’ university!
He did his doctorate at the Institute for transfusion medicine and immunohaematology of the German Red Cross (DRK) blood donation service Hessen in Frankfurt am Main. His dissertation (Dr. med.) on the establishment of a high-throughput system for testing blood donors was rated summa cum laude.
Summa cum laude means ‘Summer come(s) loud, ee!’, i.e. with a bang. At least it should do anyway.
Anyway, he did his doctorate in blood. This would be appropriate as he has turned out to be a ‘bloody nuisance’.
Which rather nicely anagrams to ‘beyond unsocial’.
From June 2000, Drosten worked as an intern in the laboratory group of the physician Herbert Schmitz in the virology department of the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) in Hamburg, where he headed the laboratory group Molecular Diagnostics and established a research program for the molecular diagnostics of tropical viral diseases.
I see, so as Nocht can be ‘night’ in Frisian, he was a trainee ‘night’ (sic). He headed the lavatory group, sorry, laboratory group as he was being trained to speak crap which he would talk later about Coronavirus.
Molecular Diagnostics is the alternative to rabbit holes, i.e. mole holes where the ‘Satanic oil slum codger’ lives.
From 2007, Drosten headed the Institute of Virology at University Hospital Bonn. During this time he worked with Isabella Eckerle, who would go on to lead the department of emerging viruses at the University of Geneva.
Isabella Eckerle eh? Well, apparently according to her Wikipedia entry
In late April 2020, a serological antibody test in Geneva revealed that only 5.5% of the population had been exposed to the disease, which Eckerle described as “smaller than hoped for,”.
Nice woman is Isabella. She is also known as ‘Black arse eel lie’ in anagramming circles.
In 2017, he accepted a call to the Charité in Berlin, where he heads the Institute of Virology.
Ah yes, the call! Hades opened and Satan said ‘Come!’
I see that according to Wikipedia
More than half of all German Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine, including Emil von Behring, Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich, have worked at the Charité.
Well, Emil von Behring … is believed to have cheated Paul Ehrlich out of recognition and financial reward in relation to collaborative research in diphtheria.
Robert Koch, well he ‘Koched’ up the germ theory of disease.
As for Paul Ehrlich
His laboratory discovered arsphenamine (Salvarsan), the first effective medicinal treatment for syphilis, thereby initiating and also naming the concept of chemotherapy.
So we can blame him for starting the poisonous cancer treatment game.
The following are only one anagram phrase each but still…
Emil von Behring – he goblin vermin
Robert Koch – berk co Roth (company of Roth, Rothschild??)
Paul Ehrlich – I uh crap hell
And Drosten went to the same university. Hmm, makes sense.
From 2017 until 2019, Drosten was a member of the German Ministry of Health’s International Advisory Board on Global Health, chaired by Ilona Kickbusch.
Ilona Kickbusch sounds rather like ‘Ill on a kick bush’.
Or maybe it’s Kate Bush. Anyway this is her apparently.
I gather from Wikipedia that
Kickbusch has contributed significantly to the new field of global health diplomacy and has developed a unique approach to executive education in this field, which has gained significant support from the Rockefeller Foundation. Flagship courses are held regularly in Geneva…
Rockefeller Foundation, that’s nice. Did you know that it believes in ‘freon reinoculated folk’? Freon is an overall description of things like CFC’s which were supposed to be responsible for ozone depletion.
There is chlorine and fluorine in the chemistry of CFC’s so inoculating folk with it not good for health. As to what is actually in the inoculations or vaccines who knows.
Nevertheless Ilona thinks vaccines are good. Here’s a link. Copy and paste into browser to make it work.
A pandemic treaty for a fragmented global polity
Suerie Moon, Ilona Kickbusch May 05, 2021
It says, and I separate out the text for ease of reference
The president of the European Council called for a so-called pandemic treaty in December, 2020. This proposal has since been endorsed by 26 heads of state and by the director-general of WHO.1 In The Lancet Public Health, Johnathan Duff and colleagues2 outline an ambitious vision for such a treaty.
At the core of their proposal is everything that global health advocates have wished for:
a forceful WHO-like global entity with the capacity to coordinate recalcitrant governments,
launch large-scale operations,
enforce international rules by providing incentives and penalties,
frankly assess the adequacy of national health systems,
and provide technical advice free from the vagaries of scientific uncertainty.
The article goes on to say
The scramble for access to COVID-19 vaccines illustrates the formidable challenge at hand. Governments have restricted exports of vaccines to meet domestic needs first.
For which read poison the people it serves first.
States without production facilities have used all the tools at their disposal—wealth, scientific and industrial capacity, diplomatic relationships, and the bodies of citizens as research subjects—to secure access to this strategic asset.
Strategic asset, hmm…to reduce the surplus population whilst making a killing in profits for Europe among others. I see Surie Moon who co-authored the article anagrams to
euro monies
Here’s another article
Can geopolitics derail the pandemic treaty?
Published 26 November 2021
It says
When Trump withdrew the US from WHO, the EU worked towards filling the power void
For which read Germany as it dominates the EU. Ilona is German, did I say?
It concludes
The ongoing struggles of many countries to contain covid-19 despite high vaccination rates might be instrumental in keeping up momentum to strengthen and expand international rules on pandemic preparedness and response.
So here we have the nub of what is going on today with the W.H.O. and a ‘pandemic treaty’. Vaccination isn’t working so let’s have a treaty to improve things. Yeah, right.
How about stopping poisoning people with vaccines you complete cretin Ilona?
I see that ‘Ilona Kickbusch’ can anagram to
Anubis Koch lick
Anubis is an Egyptian god and
One of his prominent roles was as a god who ushered souls into the afterlife.
Hancock Iblis UK
Iblis is the leader of the devils in Islam. This explains Matt Hancock does it not.
I bon chick Klaus
Klaus Schwab may be?
There is another lady who wrote the article with Ilona called Anna Holzscheiter. As far as I can tell Holzscheiter = wood shitter!!
And her name will anagram to:
Another Nazis lech
She enc Nazi harlot
Shit canal hr zone
Ln heartaches Zion
Ehrlich Satan zone
Does anyone else have a problem with this? Back to Drosten.
Since 2022, he has been serving on the Technical Advisory Panel of the joint World Bank/World Health Organization Pandemic Fund.
Where taxpayers’ money is used to fund taxpayers’ poisoning and eventual demise. This link explains what it is.
The Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) is there so that the World Bank/World Health Organization can have them on TAP as it were. They can turn on the flow of funds out of taxpayers’’ pockets and into big pharma.
The link says
The TAP supports the Pandemic Fund with its goal of financing projects and activities that help strengthen capacity building and implementation of pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) under IHR (2005) and other internationally endorsed legal frameworks, consistent with a One Health approach.
I see reference to “…a One Health approach.”
Which basically means ‘One size fits all’, whether it actually fits you or not.
There is a list of TAP experts. This means they are in essence plumbers, as they plumb the depths of stupidly.
Drosten was nominated by Alliance 90/The Greens as delegate to the Federal Conventions for the purpose of electing the President of Germany in 2022.
The footnote link translated from the German says
They were very grateful to Drosten for accepting the invitation to the Federal Assembly, said the two group leaders, Silke Gebel and Antje Kapek. The aim is to set an example against the often slanderous attacks on scientists, according to a written statement.
And to prove that cretinous scientists can be delegates.
Also drag queens it seems, someone called Gloria Viagra was put forward by the Left Group whoever they are.
Insanity rules on the left.
Drosten is committed to the transparent distribution of scientific data and therefore, publishes in specialist journals such as Eurosurveillance, where all articles are freely available online.
Which means regardless of how good or bad the articles are you don’t have to pay for them. That’s a relief.
And Christan Drosten’s articles must be bad. There is a footnote link.
Translated from the German the footnote link says
The virologist and his team have been following every move of the new coronavirus for weeks now. Without having had it in the laboratory himself, he developed the test for it.
He developed the test without the virus?? WTF? as they say or ‘What Test Flu?’ in full I think it means.
Transparent dissemination of scientific data
A week later, it is clear that the Chinese woman had back pain and was taking a fever-reducing medication, which is why the infection went unnoticed – and that the authors of the article had not spoken to the Chinese woman. Christian Drosten’s name was also under the publication. This makes him uncomfortable. Normally you check all the facts in a group of authors, he says, “but in this case I simply had to trust the authors who had spent a lot more time on the patient’s case history.” As a confirmation laboratory, he only provided data, and he stands by that.
But Drosten sticks to his demand for maximum transparency. The fact that the patient was still able to give lectures and infect colleagues despite her illness shows that the virus is spreading.
He trusted the authors eh? And what’s all this bollox at the end about the patient and so called virus spreading? What a load of dross-ten!
COVID-19 pandemic
In 2017 Drosten warned that the SARS virus potential needed to be investigated.
As this would help justify his employment and salary.
On 23 January 2020, Drosten, along with other virologists in Europe and Hong Kong, published a workflow of a real-time PCR (RT-PCR) diagnostic test, which was accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and which sent test kits to affected regions.
Which would help justify the panic, sorry, pandemic.
And make some money for the test makers of course.
On 19 February 2020, Drosten, along with 26 other scientists, published the Lancet letter in support of scientists and medical professionals in China fighting the outbreak and condemning theories suggesting that the virus does not have a natural origin, which it referred to as “conspiracy theories.”
Well, it did not come from a laboratory but it was made up as I have said before. That is the idea of a virus and viral theory (it is still a theory) in general.
But it never originated from wildlife, only from the fertile imaginations of many mainstream scientists, wrongly identifying what they see down an electron microscope. As my post on Wuhan Flu indicates the dis-ease in Wuhan was down to atmospheric pollution more than anything else.
On 17 March 2020, Drosten was appointed to the European Commission’s advisory panel on COVID-19, co-chaired by EC President Ursula von der Leyen and ECHSF Stella Kyriakides.
That’s ‘Ursula Fond Of Lying’ and ‘Stella Career Kidies’. I will not say any more about Ursula for the moment but I note Stella Kyriakides went to Reading University I see, but before my time there. She is a Cypriot psychologist and politician.
She slightly reminds me of Rochelle Walensky. Perhaps it’s the nose.
She has some form regarding large sums of money.
It says
This is not the politician’s first healthcare-related corruption scandal. Years ago, she was involved in a scheme which saw all oncological treatments privatised on Cyprus under the disguise of bank operations, then – as usual – they hiked up the prices of those treatments.
And from the above in a comment there is this link. A powerful speech two years ago, yet what has happened to bring those responsible to account?
As for Stella well, Stella means ‘star’. And anagrams include:
‘i.e. star like ks lady’
‘Are silky talk ides’
Stella Kyriakides on breast cancer
Sounds good, but beware the Ides of March and the silky talk!
‘Yes, aid killer task’
She has been involved in the killer task of injecting poison into as many people as possible for profit.
Still, she may just be
‘A sad silly Trekkie’
Wonders will never cease! Back to the Dross.
On 23 March 2020, The Guardian described Drosten as “the [German] country’s real face of the coronavirus crisis”, “the [German] country’s real face of the coronavirus crisis”.
Hmm, the real face eh? Let me remind you what he looks like.
So we can say the country hasn’t combed its hair and looks as though it could do with shaving. Hmm, a bit of a mess then.
Alternatively as it is Germany we are talking about and Christian is a man, it hasn’t combed its ‘Herr’!
And it is in need of ‘shaving’ from its sins!!
Anyway, continuing
and also noted that the Süddeutsche Zeitung had described Drosten as “the nation’s corona-explainer-in-chief”.
Although as ‘nonrepresentational’ is the top single word anagram of “the nation’s corona-explainer-in-chief” perhaps this explains that he is not representational of the truth.
He was a counterpart to Lothar Wieler, head of the State’s Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, in consulting to German federal and state authorities.
Lothar Heinz Wieler is the counterpart’s full name. This will anagram to
He Orwellian zither
He lower Nazi Hitler
Reel WHO Hitler Nazi
He wilier Zen harlot
He Nazi whore tiller
These concern me. Does the German government realise? Back to Drosten.
In Februar (sic) 2022 he stated that the “ideal” immunity would be achieved by complete Covid vaccination (with 3 doses) and one or more Covid infections on top of that.
What a load of bollux he talks. Poison yourself with vaccines and then supposedly be infected on top of that.
But of course it is the vaccine will infect you, probably make you ill. But ‘Aha!’ you will think ‘I have an infection of Covid’ so I am gaining immunity!’
No, you are poisoning yourself you moron, so falling ill is what happens, duh!
In September 2022 he stated that a strong Covid wave would occur before December and that a previously undergone Covid infection does not impede virus replication in the throat after three months and that therefore it likely does not protect against transmission.
It will occur before December because the vaccines were rolled out earlier. In my village they are informing people that a vaccination bus is coming to a nearby town.
So roll up, roll up your sleeves and get jabbed for Britain! All being well, you won’t fall ill until just before Christmas to spoil your festivities.
Should the jab kill you earlier, then it won’t matter anyway.
On 26 December 2022, he considered that the pandemic was over and that the acquired immunity would protect the following summer.
That’s not working out well is, you idiot Drosten? Seen this link mate?
Excess deaths in 2022 among worst in 50 years Published 10 January (2023)
Of course the BBC or British Bollux Corporation is still talking, well, bollux about Covid (it’s the ‘flu you imbeciles), but at least they do mention excess deaths, so we must be thankful for very small mercies.
Within a day, federal minister of justice Marco Buschmann then called for the Corona protections to be ended, which was criticized by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung as excessive German deference to authority.
Pardon?? I thought people had been deferring to the fool so-called expert Drosten already, so what’s new? Here’s the footnote link.
Still, the comments in the article show that German people have been waking up to at least some of what has been going on.
As for federal minister of justice Marco Buschmann, I suppose we can say he is a Marco of the Beasto!
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Drosten had a strained relationship with the German tabloid newspaper Bild that culminated early in summer 2020 with the tabloid’s critical article about Drosten’s study on Covid infection rates among children.
I cannot access the footnote article with payment or accepting cookies so I will just say that being critical about Christian Drosten’s Covid crap is extremely sensible.
Other scientific activities
He is on various boards. They are called boards because one gets board (sic) sitting listening to all the crap that people spout, including from Mr Drosten.
The boards include:
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations – where they invent new ways to fool the public;
National Research Platform for Zoonoses – where they put on red noses to various animals to keep the children happy whilst they are vaccinated with poisons – remember Julia Roberts and Bear Gryllis? I did a post, link at end;
Emerging Infectious Diseases – where they design fake diseases that can deflect from the disease caused by pharmaceuticals etc.;
Scientific Advisory Group for Origins of Novel Pathogens – where everybody looks up their backsides to see if there is anything new to blame for disease.
In 2003, Drosten was one of the co-discoverers of SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Together with Stephan Günther [de], a few days after identification and before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta,
Georgia, where the Devil went.
he succeeded in developing a diagnostic test for the newly identified virus. Drosten immediately made his findings on SARS available to the scientific community on the internet, even before his article appeared in New England Journal of Medicine in May 2003. Among others, this was honoured by the journal Nature.
So we can blame him for all the coronavirus nonsense along with Stephan Günther.
From 2012, the research group led by Drosten also researched the Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (MERS-CoV).
More twaddle.
In mid-January 2020, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 yielded to his method.
After a fierce fight no doubt. “Take that, and that and that!”
The virus first came to light on 30 December 2019, because Li Wenliang (the Chinese ophthalmologist whistleblower who later died of the virus) forced the Chinese government to broadcast its existence the next day.
So Li Wenliang, also known as ‘wailing Len’ forced the Chinese government did he? How pray did he do that exactly? Made up a good story yet have we?
Anyway, it’s all a ‘nil Wang lie’.
In early January 2020, the research group led by Drosten, together with Marion Koopmans’ group, a RIVM group including Chantal Reusken [de], Maria Zambon and others, developed a test that was made available worldwide through the WHO. The whole research was published in the journal Eurosurveillance.
Another test, how boring. I believe Marion Koopmans suffers from ‘pork monomanias’.
According to her Wikipedia entry
The 2020 Machiavelli Prize has been awarded to Marion Koopmans and Diederik Gommers, president of the Dutch Society for Intensive Care. The prize is awarded annually for outstanding achievement in the field of public communication.
Which in this case is lying to the public with a straight face. This is her.
I had never heard of this organisation before. It has a website.
It says
The political philosopher Machiavelli makes one immediately think about his principle ‘the end justifies the means’. The Machiavelli award is granted to the person or organization who has been the most effective in putting this principle into practice. Always in a positive way and for a public cause.
Yeah right, all for the Greater Good I guess you mean.
Of big pharma in this case and its cronies.
Machiavelli anagrams to among ‘evil Malachi’. This might give you a clue as to the agenda behind the award.
Koopmans and Gommers received the 2020 award for their relentless efforts to
deceive the public?
make the science on coronavirus accessible to a wide audience.
By dumbing it down to ‘There is this spiky virus ball and it’s really, really dangerous and will eat you alive unless you wear a mask and get vaccinated.’
Deliberately seeking dialogue with doubters about the science and opponents of the policy, during the corona pandemic, helped increase understanding,
That the scientists were stark raving mad
especially among young people. Both Koopmans and Gommers have made it their vocation – in addition to their daily work in fighting the coronavirus,
‘Left hook, right hook, left hook’ a.k.a. as ‘jab, jab, jab!’
which is so urgent – to explain the coronavirus to a broad public.
And make them so scared that all person shit themselves, I mean all persons hit themselves, jab, jab, jab.
Was für eine Menge Scheiße!
This anagrams to ‘use German cheesiness wife’. I thought you might like to know that.
In April 2020, the Drosten research group published “a detailed virological analysis of nine cases of COVID-19 that provides proof of active virus replication in tissues of the upper respiratory tract” in Nature.
Nine cases eh? Wow, I am impressed – not!
During the early months of the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, Drosten advised politicians and authorities and was invited as an expert in the media, among others in the podcast Das Coronavirus-Update mit Christian Drosten [de] (English: The coronavirus update with Christian Drosten), initially published daily during the week since 26 February 2020, in Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), the frequency of the podcast having been gradually reduced from April 2020 until becoming weekly from 15 June 2020.
‘The coronavirus update with Christian Drosten’ anagrams to
Satan’s WHO put antichrist drone directive hour
Perhaps this is a clue to the nature of the podcast.
Drosten now shares his spot on the Podcast with fellow virologist Sandra Ciesek with either being interviewed by a science journalist of the NDR every two weeks to keep the weekly schedule of the podcast while allowing Drosten more time to focus on his research work.
Sandra Ciesek is apparently ‘a sick arse end’.
Science journalist means someone who ‘conjures lies in act’
I hope that is helpful. Anyway, reducing the time he spends on the podcast gives him more time to make up new viruses in his head.
At the end of 2003, Drosten, together with Stephan Günther, was awarded an €8,000 prize by the Werner Otto Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Research for the identification of the SARS coronavirus and the establishment of a rapid diagnostic test system.
Rapid diagnostic test is ‘a distracting deposit’.
In other words a pile of shit which you are looking at to avoid whilst they jab you in the arm with the vaccine.
Or perhaps ‘it’s a doper’s act tiding’ as the news confirms or not whether you have COVID 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu.
Or even a ‘dodgiest Satanic trip’.
Satan must be pleased with Christian Drosten.
In 2004, Drosten received the GlaxoSmithKline funding award for clinical infectiology,
i.e. how to infect people without them knowing.
the Abbott Diagnostics Award of the European Society for Clinical Virology,
The Abbott Diagnostics Award is also known as ‘Satanic Dog Tobit BS Award’.
However, it has been said it is for the ‘bad wig Satanist doctor BA’.
Others just say ‘do wot big Satanic bastard?’
Are we surprised as Abbott Laboratories have a history of corruption?
the bioMérieux Diagnostics Award from the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology,
bioMérieux was founded in 1897 by Marcel Mérieux, former assistant to Louis Pasteur according to Wikipedia.
And as you may recall Louis was Past-eur his best. Of course awarding virologists with honours is good business.
and the post-doctoral award for virology from the Robert Koch Foundation [de].
And again you may recall Robert made a Koch up of germ theory.
In 2005, he was awarded the “Verdienstkreuz am Bande” (Cross) of the Federal Cross of Merit, 2020 he received the “Verdienstkreuz 1. Klasse” (Officer’s Cross) for his civil service in time of COVID-19.
I don’t know about Officer’s Cross but it makes me bloody cross that he was awarded this for his uncivil service deceiving the world.
On Google Scholar, Drosten has an h-index of 137 as of July 2023.
Apparently the h-index …measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications, initially used for an individual scientist or scholar. The h-index correlates with success indicators such as winning the Nobel Prize, being accepted for research fellowships and holding positions at top universities.
The index is based on the set of the scientist’s most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.
Criticisms include misrepresentation of data and prone to manipulation.
So I think we can say ‘h’ stands for ‘hype’ and his rating in hype is high.
That’s hype as in hyperbole, a.k.a. a lot of boles (sic).
Personal life
Drosten lives in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg and has a son born in 2017. His long-time partner is also a scientist. His hobby is playing the guitar.
During the height of the corona crisis, the popular punk band ZSK released a song about his work, which went viral.
As songs do. Can’t say I caught it thankfully. Here’s a link which might be of interest.
PUNK UND PANDEMIE: Berliner Band widmet Virologe Drosten einen Song
Germany’s Covid-19 expert: ‘For many, I’m the evil guy crippling the economy’
26 Apr 2020
At the end it says the heading of the article.
…for many Germans I’m the evil guy who is crippling the economy. I get death threats, which I pass on to the police.
The evil guy, yep, that’s right Christian, you got it in one. Still, people believed you so perhaps it is not all your fault.
Not that that lets you off the hook. Are you surprised you get death threats?? You have been lying about viruses for a long time and your lies have been part of the causes of the harms and death.
It continues
More worrying to me are the other emails, the ones from people who say they have three kids and they’re worried about the future. It’s not my fault, but those ones keep me awake at night.
Oh yes it is your fault. There are many others at fault too, but as I say that won’t get you off the hook.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made German virologist Christian Drosten an unlikely cult figure. (paste link into browser to make it work)
It says
A warning sign
Drosten grew up on a pig farm in northern Germany.
This should have been a pig, sorry, big warning sign reminding you of the unclean animals of the Old Testament and the bosses in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
And of pig, sorry, big pharma.
It goes on to talk about mumps (my eyes roll) and then, God help us, camels.
One hump or two I hear you cry. So mumps to humps. One has to wonder on what planet Drosten lives. It says
..a wealthy 73-year-old patient from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, who was treated for MERS in Germany and died. Relatives said the patient had cared for a sick racing camel before falling ill—the first sign that camels might be involved.
And not the incompetent doctors in Germany believing in Germ theory or any of one thousand and one other reasons.
Many people may not understand everything he says. But it is comforting to listen to someone explaining what is going on.
Even when it is a load of bollux.
But Drosten wants his research to save lives.
That didn’t work out too well did it Drosten? Anyway whose lives? Those in the WHO who need their jobs protected?
SARS-CoV-2’s origin is unclear. “But I don’t believe that the answer will be three infected civet cats being sold in some fish market,” Drosten says. “There is going to be an industry involved in this somehow.”
Yes, quite right there is an industry involved. It’s called ‘The pharmaceutical industry.’
Kai Kupferschmidt was the writer of the article. This is him.
I thought I would try anagramming his name. Here’s a few worrying phrases.
Dim fruitcakes kph
Farmed kickup shit
Him farted kickups
Parked mishit fuck
Mr shitfaced UK kip
I don’t think that’s a very good recommendation for Kai.
I did a bit of digging. It seems Kai is a homosexual. There is another anagram of his name which hints at this. Oh dear, I won’t mention it but the more one looks the more one wonders at how his name seems to define his character.
Here’s something amusing.
What Is the Droste Effect (And Why Is It Important?)
Dani Rhys August 28, 2020
I gather the Droste effect is repetitive. This makes absolute sense. Christian Drosten repeats the same old rubbish over and over again so that the masses are mesmerised.
How about anagrams of his name?
There are an awful lot of words in his name, or indeed a lot of awful words in his name, even without his middle names.
For example, one word anagrams of Drosten are:
‘Rodents’ and ‘snorted’.
So from ‘Christian Drosten’ we can get:
Sir can rodent shit
The longest single word is:
As regards his full name, Christian Heinrich Maria Drosten, there are 12 individual letters – Christan e M Do
His full name yields interesting words including:
There are a whole lot of –cides including:
But most interesting perhaps is:
Here are some selected phrases:
His hair charm indoctrinates Erin
In diarrheic antichrist horseman
Demonic harsh rainier antichrist
Ah antichrist’s nimrod AI enricher
Re antichrist heroin arachnidism
I am architect hair horridness inn
I am his insane horrid RN architect
Hornet satanic AI him nerd scirrhi – scirrhi is a tumour.
Inherits diarrhetic anachronism
Herr sin diarrhetic machinations
I am cc shithead RN hair riot sinner
Hi Mr hr sin idiot insane character
In him an idiot character Herr sins
In him rash sinner idiot character
Shh inherit cardiac arrest minion
Her Cardiac arrest hint him ion sin
Ah him sinister hind incarcerator
Ah him antichrists no idea RN crier
Draconian crime hi I rh rh nastiest
His draconian shit art Rhine crime
In him satanic Harris Reich rodent
Err hi Antichrist Cain admonisher
He a mad scientist hair iron RN rich
I mad chronic Rhine Satanist hirer
I horrid technician Mr Satan’s heir
In him horrid arse Satan chi cretin
mRNA incision scirrhi heart death
Hah rich sir menticide narrations
I don’t like the sound of those.
Summary and final thoughts
That’s Christian Drosten for you. Brought up by a pig farmer and now ‘owned’ by big pharma.
As his name suggests he is ‘I horrid technician Mr Satan’s heir’
And with ‘hair’ like he has, are we surprised?
His work has been satanic, of the antichrist spirit, indoctrinating the masses with lies and deceit. He has menticided, brain washed, the people, having been brain washed himself by viral germ theory.
Therefore medication, the experimental poisonous vaccines, have been taken by a great many and caused harm and death, a decimation of the people.
Maria is in his name sounding like ‘Ma rear’ – Christan Drosten is an arse and it’s in his name! In fact he can say
Hi I Satan’s chic iron rear end mirth
He really is a Satan’s arse, spouting shit on the world, committing a crime of the century if not the whole span of history.
Of course people complied and must bear some responsibility for not taking heed of the warnings.
Nevertheless this will not excuse his gross sins. He is weighed in the balance and found severely wanting. He is a false prophet and will go into the lake of fire along with many others.
So ‘Oh, how do you solve a problem like Ma rear?’
A good kicking helps. I’ve done my bit.
P.S. I see Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is trying to flog a dead horse.
Facing massive loss from vaccines, Germany pushes more boosters
November 05, 2023
“Ooh look, a bargain! Let’s all go and get some lovely poison from the Death Head squads in the hospital.”
I do hope people will not be that stupid. Sadly though there will be the terminally dim who think it a good idea.
Here are some links of relevance.
PCR and Rapid Lateral Flow Tests
“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell
What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.
Beware the Ides of March: 15th March, 2023
Happy birthdays to them – people born yesterday, October 28th in history