Coronavirus – is it really a monster, and if not, what is it?
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
This has been the $64, 000 question all along, and what the fuss has been about regarding Covid 19 or COVID 19. I have already explained that COVID 19 is the ‘flu rebranded in my main post on COVID 19, link at the end.
However, some more explanation is useful on what has gone on in the past 4 years or so. You may already have understood most of this, but there are some additional insights which may be of use.
And there may be somebody who has yet to wake up whom it might benefit.
As regards COVID 19 the letters are short for COronaVIrus Disease (emphasise on the capitals) 2019.
This was coined by the WHO. This is not the rock band but the World Health Organization.
As I indicated, it is 4 years and a bit since this so-called monster arrived in the world, allegedly having mutated from something else. The WHO use a lovely blue spikey ball in their ‘advertising’ which looks rather alien and out of this world.
Which is meant to scare you a bit. Are you scared? Not me that’s for sure, not since I worked out what was going on in 2020.
Project Fear
We have been conditioned by the media since 2020 to view the coronavirus as an alien monster. Thus we have images such as these below and that from the WHO above.
Whist they do bear some resemblance to the electron microscope image shown later, in truth they are exaggerated, grossly exaggerated.
They look like alien creatures. We have been programmed to think of little green men from Mars who will invade and take over planet earth or our bodies.
If you think about all the films and TV programmes over the years, you can see how we have been psychologically prepared.
Make people afraid and then they will do foolish things, like stay 6’ or 2 m apart (or some other arbitrary distance), wear masks (of different types), get tested all the time (by unreliable and toxic tests) and then take the supposedly lifesaving (but typically harmful or deadly) vaccines.
And make some people very rich indeed.
Still, what do the powers that be say it is? Let’s try Wikipedia. Words in italics from there unless otherwise stated.
Definitions/meaning of Coronavirus
The name “coronavirus” is derived from Latin corona, meaning “crown” or “wreath”, itself a borrowing from Greek κορώνη korṓnē, “garland, wreath”
Okay, corona means ‘crown’ or ‘wreath’ but what about virus? The article doesn’t say. I wonder why.
This originally meant ‘poison, slime, venom’ in Latin, and Google Translate still says so.
I have written about this before in V is for…..Virus but here’s wiktionary to confirm.
Let us break down the Latin etymology, the meaning of the word. Note that:
Vi means ‘force’.
Vir means ‘man’.
-us means what is says, us, i.e. of us as in “to produce, beget”
Therefore the whole is ‘crown man of us’.
This is what they look like under the electron microscope apparently, but colourised digitally in the Wikipedia article.
Now the ‘crown man of us’ makes it sound more like something from us rather than outside of us.
And, as I realised in June 2020, this is the case.
For the so-called virus people see under the electron microscope is the exosome which I write about here.
I describe the exosome as the body’s dustbin men who carry away rubbish from the cell factories.
Interestingly, in Latin exo means ‘out’, so the sense of exosome is ‘out of me’. Therefore the meaning of removing something bad from the body’s cells can be understood.
I have re checked the comments under this link.
They include the following trail:
June 13, 2020 at 6:50 am
FYI…under electron microscope, an exosome and “SARS Cov2 virus”look exactly the. same…they are dimensionally and architecturally the same.
They could have been looking at an exosome and called it a virus…in this case SARS Cov2
June 17, 2020 at 2:08 pm
So, is it the exosome which causes the corona infection? And, if all the different viruses are probably exosomes, with other words: there is no existing virus at all – what causes all the so-called virus deseases including all of the different sympthomes? Best regards. Thank you for answering!
June 25, 2020 at 12:58 am
Hello Thorsten. My first time on this site and I’m new to the topics as well. But to my understanding, the “seasonal flu virus” is explained as being the symptoms of a seasonal purge of toxins. Dr Andrew Kaufman has featured in some intriguing videos recently where he posits some questions about germ theory and makes a case for exosomes being behind “viral” symptoms. Of course StasiTube is banning them as fast as they can sniff them out. Which adds to his credibility.
April 8, 2021 at 11:54 pm
Thorsten, one must first answer the following questions:
(1) Does the virus in question exist?
– Has the virus been physically isolated?
– Has any genetic material been scientifically confirmed to have originated from said virus?
– Has both isolation & genetic analysis repeatedly been confirmed by international labs?
– Does the RT-PCR (or other) testing method accurately & repeatedly confirm the PRESENCE of said virus?
– Has EVERY CASE of a person said to have contracted or been infected with the virus been confirmed, via testing, to HAVE the virus?
– Has EVERY DEATH attributed to the virus been confirmed, via testing, to HAVE had the virus?
(2) Does or can the virus directly or indirectly cause disease and/or death?
– Has EVERY death attributed to the virus been scientifically confirmed to have CAUSED the person’s death?
– Has the virus been scientifically & repeatedly confirmed to cause not only THE disease, but ANY disease? (ie, Is the virus pathogenic in ANY way?)
– Can THE or ANY disease be transferred to a healthy individual (confirmed to have NO virus) by the transference of fluid/tissue sample of a person confirmed to HAVE the virus? Can this be repeated by an international peer group of scientists? (NOTE: This was attempted in various ways on both animals & people during the “Spanish flu pandemic” of 1918, without success. Also, Dr. Robert Willner inoculated himself with the blood of an AIDS patient multiple times on live TV to prove that so-called “HIV” does not cause AIDS.)
In short, the answer to ALL of these questions is “NO”. Hence, no one can scientifically claim that ANY virus (pathological or not) exists in either animals or humans. Right now, the most scientifically backed causes of death (other than violence) are the following:
(1) THE MAJOR CAUSE: Electrical fields (from radio towers, wifi, cell towers, cell & cordless phones, appliances, home wiring, smart meters, power lines, radar, satellites, etc.) Read Arthur Firstenberg’s highly researched & detailed book, THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW. Also look up Samuel Milham, MD.
(2) Man-made toxins (pesticides/herbicides/fungicides, industrial pollution of air/water/soil, furniture, clothing, cleaners, plastics, etc.)
(3) Vaccines
(4) Medical drugs
(4) Food (artificial additives, GMO’s, malnutrition, reduced soil fertility, etc.)
(5) Stress (from our money-based competitive & destructive social system)
And there’s this summary of what exosomes which is very concise.
November 20, 2020 at 12:12 pm
The human body produces exosomes when any out side (sic) environmental free radical is introduced, ie gmos, chemicals. In your drinking water, pollution in the air, and people are making up viruses, that are actually just the exos doing there (sic) job, cleaning you out.
Comparison with our homes
Just as our homes generate waste and must be disposed of the same is true of our bodies. We know this to be true with regards to urine, faeces and sweat for example. If we don’t excrete then it causes us discomfort and dis-ease.
Our body cells are dying off and being renewed daily in huge numbers.
Our Bodies Replace Billions of Cells Every Day
It says of our body cells
About a third of our body mass is fluid outside of our cells, such as plasma, plus solids, such as the calcium scaffolding of bones. The remaining two thirds is made up of roughly 30 trillion human cells. About 72 percent of those, by mass, are fat and muscle, which last an average of 12 to 50 years, respectively.
However, if we poison ourselves then damage to our body occurs which will need repair and generate waste. The same occurs to our homes if damaged by storms, or internal water leaks for example.
People get worked up about coronavirus which cannot be seen except under an electron microscope and ignore the obvious usual causes. For those who think they have suffered something new consider the following.
What is poisoning you?
All sorts of toxins, various poisons of a chemical nature, including those produced by your own body like urine.
In the environment as I have indicated elsewhere there are huge numbers of pollutants, e.g. chlorine and fluorine in the water, sodium nitrite and pesticides in food, nitrous oxide in the atmosphere.
In terms of the current Covid 19 crisis these include;
Sanitising – the world went insane in 2020 apparently trying to sterilise everything to death, using toxic products on their hands and surfaces.
Masks – which can be made of plastics and inhibit your breathing, fibres can enter your lungs form the mask, moisture cannot readily escape from the surface of your face.
PCR/Rapid lateral flow tests – containing chemicals which may harm you.
Vaccines – if they contain anything other than saline, they will be neurotoxic to varying degree depending on what is really in them. Various batches may have different ingredients; we cannot be sure without each vial being tested.
Now that should really be enough to explain how we have been deceived but I thought I would look at some more aspects.
Naming of coronavirus
The name was coined by June Almeida and David Tyrrell who first observed and studied human coronaviruses.
I note that
Almeida succeeded in identifying viruses that were previously unknown, including—in 1966—a group of viruses that was later named coronavirus, due to their crown-like appearance.
It is interesting the date 1966. The date that Chris Whitty was born about who I have written recently.
Alleged variants
These are the alleged variants of the coronavirus to do with humans.
Six species of human coronaviruses are known, with one species subdivided into two different strains, making seven strains of human coronaviruses altogether.
Four human coronaviruses produce symptoms that are generally mild, even though it is contended they might have been more aggressive in the past:
Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), β-CoV
Human coronavirus HKU1 (HCoV-HKU1), β-CoV
Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E), α-CoV
Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63), α-CoV–
Three human coronaviruses produce potentially severe symptoms:
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), β-CoV (identified in 2003)
Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), β-CoV (identified in 2012)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), β-CoV (identified in 2019)
These cause the diseases commonly called SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 respectively.
Note it says ‘contended’ four of these alleged variants ‘might’ have been more aggressive in the past, that is they speculate, there is no certainty.
It also says three of the seven produce ‘potentially’ severe symptoms, that is they do not definitely produce them, so more uncertainty.
The problem for the virologists is that they see something and assume it is the agent of disease rather than the product of it.
Seven crowns
For bible scholars please note the ‘seven coronavirus’ which makes one think of the description in Revelation 12 v3.
“Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads.”
Note that the first horseman of the Apocalypse also has ‘a crown’.
“So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider held a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer.” Revelation 6 v.2
I have associated the white horse with Chris Whitty in my post referred to earlier but it can also be noted that the Greek word for crown used in the verse above is ‘stephanos’. In English this is Stephen, which happens to be Anthony Fauci’s middle name.
Anyway, how about anagrams of Coronavirus Disease?
‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Coronavirus Disease’ anagrams
Coronavirus = 11 letters in total
Cornavius = 9 individual letters
Coronavirus Disease = 18 letters in total
Cornavius De = 11 individual letters
I will firstly point out that coronavirus is a one word anagram of carnivorous. Perhaps the intention of those who invented the name coronavirus was to suggest flesh eating microscopic entity.
“Don’t panic, Mr Mainwaring!”
These are the top single longest words from coronavirus.
– Carnivorous
– Rancorous – Full of rancor; evincing, or caused by, rancor; deeply malignant; implacably spiteful or malicious; intensely virulent.
– voracious – Greedy in eating; very hungry; eager to devour or swallow; ravenous; gluttonous; edacious; rapacious.
– Covinous – : marked by covin : COLLUSIVE, FRAUDULENT
Covin is defined as
2a: collusive agreement between two or more persons to the detriment of a third : CONSPIRACY
b archaic : FRAUD, TRICKERY
Note coven is related to witchcraft. The entire coronavirus hoax is to do with witchcraft, in reality smoke and mirrors, a deception.
Coronavirus Disease
These are the top seven single longest words from coronavirus disease. A few are positive but most have a negative connotation. See what you think.
– Avariciousness – the single longest
– Corrosiveness
– Radionecroses or radionecrosis – necrotic degradation of brain tissue following intracranial or regional radiation
– Veraciousness
– Vicariousness
– Voraciousness
Here are my selected phrases which to my mind indicate the nature of what has been going on over the decades, but hugely accelerated in 2020.
Avariciousness and avaricious
– Avariciousness doer
– Endorses avaricious
– AI carnivorous seeds – think ‘Day of the Triffids’
– Coo is UN adversaries
– Are avoids on cruises
People should avoid cruise travel regardless of their vaccination status, the CDC says
DECEMBER 30, 2021
The linked pages to CDC website are missing.
– So I void reassurance
– Or acari deviousness – acari are mites or ticks
– Our deviancies soars
– Or soar US deviancies
– AD recession saviour
– Avoid ursa recession – ursa means ‘bear’ in Latin
– Aussies crave indoor
– Aussie coronaries VD
– Advise coronaries us
– Adieus coroner visas – restrictions on inquests
– Aviaries cursed soon – bird ‘flu!
– As ion cursed ovaries – infertility/miscarriages from vaccines
– Aussie divorce roans
– Asian rouses divorce
– AS eon Russia divorce
– So Eurasians divorce
– AI reasons US divorce
Davos (the meeting place of the World Economic Forum)
– Davos AI UN sorceries
– Davos uria recession – uria means related to urine
– Davos iura recession – iura means related to law
– So seen avaricious dr – the greedy doctors
– I season veracious dr – the truthful doctors
Iron rod (see Revelation 19 v.15)
– Iron rod causes I save
– Avoids care neurosis
– A void scare neurosis
– Avarice sod neurosis
– AI Oscar nurse videos – think tic-toc videos
– As avid Orion rescues
– Sauron vicars do I see – Sauron as in the dark lord of Lord of the Rings
– AD recession saviour
– Icons seared saviour
– Arisen codes saviour
– A codes siren saviour
– Avon Saudi sorceries
– Avoid anus sorceries
– Sauna sorceries void
– Various cosa deniers
– A saviour soc deniers
– Due sin Soros avarice
– Soros avarice is nude
– Soros USA Iran device
– Soros I need VICAR USA – VICAR is Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering
– UAR is Soros deviance
– Oases vicious Ardern
I found this by pasting the above phrase into the search engine.
Tova O’Brien seems to think coronavirus is a‘…deadly, hyper-contagious virus’.
It says she stated
We are in a global pandemic that is at least 15 times more fatal than seasonal influenza.
An anagram of Tova O’Brien is ‘naive robot’. Well, that’s one way of putting it. What could be the cause? ‘Be vain root’. Fair enough.
– AI overassured icons
– A viciousness adorer
– A roared viciousness
– Are vicious dr season
Miscellaneous phrase
– A overdose crisis a UN
UN responds to the global opioid crisis 22-03-2021
It says
Drug use is estimated to cause the loss of 42 million years of healthy life to disability or early death each year.
Summary and final thoughts
I will repeat what Mike said above.
The human body produces exosomes when any out side (sic) environmental free radical is introduced, ie gmos, chemicals. In your drinking water, pollution in the air, and people are making up viruses, that are actually just the exos doing there (sic) job, cleaning you out.
There you are, the truth about the coronavirus is that it is all crap, literally crap, cell waste or debris to be carted away.
Cell debris will not mutate although various kinds of cell debris will exist, just as we generate all sorts of household rubbish.
Cell debris must of course be removed otherwise like household rubbish as it clogs up the works and stops things working correctly.
But whilst that might cause ‘disease’ to your body if not eliminated satisfactorily, and people are not going to want your body wastes, thank you very much, they cannot ‘catch’ your dis-ease.
The same applies to everybody and indeed it will apply to other living beings. It is part of the circle of life.
You will however suffer if you do not look after yourself and allow toxic substances into the body that have no place being there such as vaccines.
The whole fear campaign over a ‘deadly’ virus is a nonsense, a complete warping of the truth. Coronavirus is NOT coming to get you, and you won’t get eaten alive by it even if the anagram is carnivorous!
It is no monster, but by scaring the masses the demonic powers have managed to get the bulk of the world’s population injected with something toxic, the ‘toxon’ of the first horseman in Revelation.
The vaccines have been heralded as a ‘saviour’ and doctors such as Chris Whitty as a health messiah.
In reality they are a false Christ and as Jesus warned
“At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. So be on your guard; I have told you everything in advance.”
I have pointed out how Chris Whitty is an antichrist with his false prophecies and lies. ‘Signs and wonders’ are performed by dodgy statistics and statisticians like Neil Ferguson and then advertised in all their supposed shiny glory on the television and internet etc.
Jesus said even the elect would be deceived if possible which is why we have such a struggle. Many so-called Christians failed the test to which they were put.
But some were on their guard and warned us and others of us woke up to the deceit and more continue to ‘wake from the dust’ as it were.
People succumbed to the lies and regret their folly. Many succumbed and do not repent and continue to swallow the lies gladly.
I hope you are not one of the latter. For those that waver and are still fearful, do not be, there is no need.
These so-called viruses are really your friend, the workmen of your body doing what they are supposed to do. Please give them all the help you can by looking after your good selves, your souls, minds and bodies.
And don’t be afraid!
P.S. Yesterday was St. George’s Day and flags were flying. Thankfully they flew one at the catholic church which has otherwise continued to fly the Ukraine flag. I hope they won’t return to flying the Ukrainian flag.
Here are some links referred to in the article or otherwise of use.
“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell
What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.
Your are exactly right, sir, nothing to be afraid of re: COVID.
My husband has over 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist and used to work for Public Health Dept. advising public, doctors etc. on how to manage epidemics, outbreaks and the like. It's a nasty bugger due to its effect on the lungs and can last for a month. But people don't typically die from it unless they are very old and not in good health or have problems with their immune system.
Not to be too picky but I'd like to clarify re: covid being flu. He used to work with coronavirus and it was always considered "one form of the common cold."
As always your writing is impeccable, sir and I love the humor you add to your writing. I'm sending a fond "hello" to those on the other side of the pond who live in England, "a green and pleasant land."
The REAL WHO “ Here comes the new boss🎼🎼same as the old boss” come on sheeple lets not get fooled again. Seasonal flu, exomes carring out the crap . Love it. you the man baldmichael!