A fuller explanation is well overdue from me. Some meanings have been exposed early on and I consider that these are reasonable. But let me make a start and see where we go.
1. Coronavirus Disease
The primary definition according to Wikipedia.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. The first known case was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
COVID 19 is shorthand for COronaVIrus Disease (stress on the capitals) 2019.
There is not much to say except that as I have said elsewhere COVID 19 is the ‘flu re-branded using persistent advertising to justify masks, testing and vaccines etc., part of controlling the masses and making large sums of money for a few.
The ‘flu, despite appearances to the contrary, is not contagious.
And Wuhan is a psychological operation, a false flag, a Red herring.
And that is just the start of it.
2. C or Vitamin D
C Or VItamin D, stress on the capitals. This is the basic cure for COVID, a.k.a. the ‘flu.
This was given to me early on in my research in spring 2020. I found out that the Chinese were giving very large doses of C intravenously in early 2020 and apparently successfully.
Subsequent information and blog articles from doctors who have used it in the past confirm this.
As regards D, it was clear that our D levels decrease in the winter months, primarily in the northern latitudes where sunlight levels are low.
I consider that in many ways C and D act together best, C mildly acidic and D oil based, could be viewed like a quality vinaigrette and ideally in a similar balance of perhaps 1:3.
So I say C for Cure and D for Defense, i.e. D to keep down toxicity and plenty of C with clean untainted water for flushing out the toxins when unwell.
D is far more important than the medical authorities will make out and even C is downplayed by some.
This is because it plays into big pharmas poison strategy; vilify anything that might do us good.
I would add I have even taken on board the 19 of COVID 19 as 19 is the atomic number for potassium, abbreviation K.
K-2 is recommended as part of the D3 supplement although I understand is not related to potassium as such. 19 is of course 2 numbers so that is all lateral thinking.
I talked to people in 2020 about the mnemonic C Or VItamin D and it was a non-controversial way of discussing the issues.
You can see my little ditty on COVID plus pages from my WordPress site for reference.
I have not covered the issues of supplementation, but for most people good food, and sufficient sunshine for free D if you do the right things will suffice.
Sunshine, sunburn and sunstroke
3. Certificate Of Vaccination Identification by Artificial Intelligence
Certificate Of Vaccination Identification, stress on the capital. A.I. are the 1st and 9th letters of the English alphabet so correspond to 19.
Fact checkers (which mysterious appeared to debunk such things) such as Reuters say this is not what it means.
Of course Reuters is strictly correct but that is not the point. Vaccination certificates have been made available and some people have enthusiastically taken them up. More fool them.
What is much more common is the phrase ‘vaccine passport’ but that doesn’t directly relate to a mnemonic.
It is of course all a nonsense as vaccines are harmful poison if they are anything and have always been so.
Nevertheless there is a push by The Powers That Be (TPTB) to make such things compulsory. Not on my watch they won’t.
By the way The Powers That Be anagrams to:
‘The whop abetters’ – i.e. the criminals who encourage beatings
‘The BP state whore’ – the oil and state connection
‘The WHO ET PR beast’ – which says it all.
4. C = control O = oppress V= victimise I = isolate D = divide
I saw this online which is very suitable.
5. C Ovid 19
This is perhaps the most intriguing and got me starting to think about the misleading information we were being fed about the causes of death from COVID 19. Remember almost everything was being labelled COVID 19.
You were shot – you died of COVID 19.
You were run over by a bus – you died of COVID 19.
You drowned while swimming – you died of COVID 19.
Which is where C Ovid 19 comes in. You C, sorry, see that ‘C’ sounds like ‘see’.
So I read Covid 19 as ‘See Ovid 19’. Now I was not familiar with Ovid, the Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus, better known as Julius Caesar.
I wondered if Ovid had written something with 19 in it. Well he did, the nineteenth poem as described here regarding Hero and Leander. See link below.
The Double Heroides are a set of six epistolary poems allegedly composed by Ovid in Latin
XIX. Hero’s reply to Leander, on her love for him
If you don’t know the story in essence
Leander falls in love with Hero and swims every night across the Hellespont to spend time with her. Hero lights a lamp at the top of her tower to guide his way.
It continues with
Their secret love affair lasts through a warm summer, but when winter and its rougher weather looms, they agree to part for the season and resume in the spring.
One stormy winter night, however, Leander sees the torch at the top of Hero’s tower. He attempts to go to her, but halfway through his swim, a strong winter wind blows out Hero’s light, and Leander loses his way and drowns. When Hero sees his dead body, she throws herself off the tower to join him in death.
Now I cannot find it sadly, but in 2020 during my early research I came across an article in the form of an autopsy regarding the deaths.
The question was that they drowned, but did they really die of love, or at least desire, as it was love that drove Leander to swim the Hellespont and Hero to commit suicide.
This made me question the whole dying with, of or by COVID nonsense.
The government and the media were telling us incessantly that people were dying of COVID, conveniently and deliberately ignoring the true causes of death which were many. Heart disease and pneumonia were the main causes.
It appeared that no or very limited autopsies were being undertaken, thus deceiving many people into accepting what they were told about the cause of death.
This all helped ramp up the fear factor of the deceived masses whilst making the suspicious like myself question the insanity of it all.
6. COVID 19 and number of the beast
We mustn’t forget that there is an alternative number to 666 in some translations. This is not a mistake or alternative. It is another significant number.
Covid 19 in Roman numerals is 100 + 5 + 1 + 500 = 606. 1 + 9 =10. Total 616.
From my article.
7. COVID one nine or COVID nineteen
Finally here is an interesting take which I have examined. If one considers the ‘COVID one nine’ anagrams we can get:
– I one connived – connived is one of three longest single words, the whole thing has been a connivance
– One divine con – the whole thing is the ‘Great delusion’ that God has sent as written about by Paul the apostle in 2 Thessalonians 2 v.11-12.
“For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”
– Eon nidi coven – nidi is plural of ‘nidus’, a meaning of which is a focus of infection. Coven indicates the witchcraft or secret societies behind the fraud
– Void ne ne icon – i.e. an empty icon
If one considers it as ‘COVID nineteen’ then the following can be observed:
– Convenient die – a convenient way to bring death to the disbelieving. ‘Convenient’ is the longest single word anagram
– Incentive node – an incentive for evil ones to exploit and therefore expose themselves
– Cede invention – again stress the whole thing has been an invention based on lies
– In eventide con – a deceit at the end of the day, i.e. we are figuratively in the last day, a period of judgement. Remember it says in Zechariah “in the evening there will be light” which is why despite the darkness light has come and is coming
– In con die event – the deceiving event has brought death to those deceived
– ie net connived – a net cast out designed to catch the fish, good and bad, as described in the parable in Matthew 13
– I nonce evident – nonce can mean sexual pervert so the sexual perverts are exposed
– I den icon event – the icon of the coronavirus, which is a mark of the beast, the big pharma beast
– in invented eco – i.e. the climate change scam, the Red Herring or excuse for many of the evils going on
Summary and final thoughts
So there you are, various aspects of the meaning of COVID 19. It might seem that evil is in charge and certainly on the surface this appears so.
Nevertheless this is God’s war with His faithful angels seen and unseen, against the great serpent, Satan and his fallen angels, seen and unseen, whose time is short.
Satan and his minions are seeking to make as much chaos as possible before they are thrown into the lake of fire.
Ultimately God and His army of faithful servants win. That is the way the story goes and God is the author and perfector or completer of it.
And remember we fight in God’s strength as it is written:
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Feel free to add any thoughts in the comments below.
P.S. Further links of possible use for those who have not seen.
Thank you BM and I love your word-play. Actually the Hebrew alphabet allocates numbers to each letter. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/gematria/
According to this model 666 translates to Caesar Nero. This is understandable since the underground Jewish resistance to the Roman occupation required coded messages to the faithful. The Bible is full of it.
On a lighter note: "Leander falls in love with Hero and swims every night across the Hellespont to spend time with her" - but he never got there because his massive phallus was dragging weed! (joke)
Perhaps Monty Python will cheer us up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig23CbO1rBA
Regardless - sorry to be flippant but humour does conquer most tragedies!
Re: “The ‘flu, despite appearances to the contrary, is not contagious.”
Why do you say that?
Also see: Do people catch 'Covid', colds and flus from other people?
What is the evidence supporting transmission of respiratory ailments from person to person? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/do-people-catch-covid-colds-and-flus