Daniel’s vision – the iron legs – why these are the Roman Empire – Daniel 2 v.33
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
“…its legs were iron, and its feet were part iron and part clay.”
There have been lots of discussions on this over the years. You can look these up.
But really the answer is quite simple.
We know quite a bit about Rome and its importance in the scheme of things. It was the empire ruling the Mediterranean area and covering parts of the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa.
As with all empires, it was the soldiers that helped keep the peace and enforced Pax Romana, the Roman peace.
The soldiers were called legionaries. This anagrams to:
ie a legs iron
See, quite simple.
And here’s an example of a modern day re-enactor in full regalia as a Roman centurion. A centurion was in charge of typically 100 legionaries.
By I, Luc Viatour, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2844461
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Random question about eunuchs and transgenderism 🙋♀️. In biblical times eunuchs traditionally held positions of power and prestige in society. Now days there is an emerging political, corporate, and even religious organizational trend to place transgender ppl in positions of power as well. Like a strange nod to ancient history, that most people don’t even notice. I thought it odd that no one has discussed the subject or made a connection between the 2 especially since eunuchs are mentioned several times in the Bible. Was wondering what your thoughts were?