June Raine: Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) UK
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
This is her according to Wikipedia.
She is in the spotlight because of COVID 19. She is under my spotlight because she promotes the toxic vaccines which are supposedly to help in the fight against COVID 19.
This is of course an excellent idea as poisoning people is really, really sensible.
No? Oh, well perhaps we had better take a closer look. I use the Wikipedia article as a basis.
Dame June Munro Raine DBE (née Harris; born 1952), is a British pharmacologist who is currently serving as the Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the United Kingdom. Raine spent much of her career in the Medicines Division of the MHRA (and in its predecessor, in the Department of Health).
I see firstly she is considered a Dame, a Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Given that we have no empire this seems rather an anachronism.
And very long. No wonder DBE is the abbreviation. On standard letter envelopes one would have hardly space left for the address.
She is a pharmacologist. Now I have analysed the word ‘pharmaceutical’ in anagrams and so I thought I would have a quick look here at ‘pharmacologist’.
4 out of 9 top single longest words include:
Carphologia – is a lint-picking behavior that is often a symptom of a delirious state.
Often seen in delirious or semiconscious patients, carphologia describes the actions of picking or grasping at imaginary objects, as well as the patient’s own clothes or bed linens. This can be a grave symptom in cases of extreme exhaustion or approaching death.
Fromchromatopsia – a visual defect in which colored objects appear unnaturally colored and colorless objects appear tinged with color.
scotomagraph – related to scotoma which are an area of lost or depressed vision within the visual field, surrounded by an area of less depressed or of normal vision.
i.e. a blind spot.From
liposarcoma – in essence a tumour.
I hope you see the analogy, the madness brought on by neuro-toxic pharmaceuticals, the seeing of things coloured in a misleading way such as through rose tinted spectacles, the blind spot of missing the harm and deaths from the drugs and the cancers caused by them.
Here are a few phrases.
am corps Goliath – pharmacologists are the giants which need felling
clot smog pariah – they should be pariahs and outcast – see Revelation 22 v.15 “But outside are the dogs, the sorcerers (pharmakoi), the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.”
Acts hail pogrom – in essence the pharmaceuticals are a persecution of all those poisoned by them.
a GM halt Scorpio – Scorpio is the scorpion and mRNA vaccines apparently are genetically modified.
archaist GM loop – pharmaceuticals are an endless loop of harm repeating itself.
A star Moloch pig – the pagan god Moloch and the unclean animal
She is Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
MHRA anagrams to this one word; harm. Hmm…
She came to wider public prominence in December 2020, when the MHRA was the first regulator to approve an mRNA vaccine for use in humans, and the first Western regulator to approve a COVID-19 vaccine, namely Pfizer and BioNTech’s, BNT162b2.
She was in charge of the first regulator to approve an mRNA vaccine for use in humans was she? Well now we know who to blame for all the harm and deaths in the UK.
Sadly, though she is just one of a very great many, but she has done her bit. No doubt that is why she got that Dame title, for reducing the surplus population.
Or at least maiming surplus population which is more profitable for big pharma etc.
By the way approve is misleading and we will see why later.
Raine went to Somerville College, Oxford in 1971, where she obtained a BA degree in physiology in 1974, followed by an MSc in pharmacology in 1975. She subsequently studied at Oxford University Medical School where she obtained her BM BCh medical degree in 1978. Raine became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP).
Somerville College was originally only for women and was female only until 1994.
‘Pharmacology’ anagrams to this
gay Moloch rap
This might explain the LGBTQ+ nonsense, drug induced insanity.
She has lots of qualifications. But not much wisdom if she thinks toxic pharmaceuticals are good for the body.
In 1985, Raine joined the Department of Health and Social Security in the Medicines Division, before that function moved to the newly formed MHRA in 2003. In 2006, she was appointed as the Director of Vigilance and Risk Management in the Medicines Division, and in September 2019 was appointed CEO of the MHRA.
It is not clear what she might have done in the 7 years before she joined the Department of Health and Social Security. However, on the face of it she has spent most of her time as a civil servant.
Or in her case a civil serpent given the poisonous nature of vaccines and drugs.
I see some interesting anagrams in the title ‘Vigilance and Risk Management’.
A magicking drain enslavement
AC knave maladministering Eng
Eking maidservant malignance
Leaking menacing maidservant
Satanical a dvm engineering km
These seem to suit what she has been doing.
See also: COVID-19 vaccination programme in the United Kingdom
On 2 December 2020, the MHRA became the first medicines regulator in history to approve an mRNA vaccine, granting “emergency authorisation” for BioNTech/Pfizer’s BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine for “widespread use”, seven days after its first Phase III eight-week trial. The Phase III trials for BNT162b2 do not fully complete until January 2023.
Now here is where the earlier phrase ‘…approve an mRNA vaccine…’ is highly misleading.
It was “emergency authorisation” for “widespread use” that is not the same.
And here’s the killer The Phase III trials for BNT162b2 do not fully complete until January 2023.
Trials people, trials. That means as I keep trying to tell people is that this has all been a Great Vaccine Experiment. And if you took the wretched things, which thankfully my wife and I did not, then you were a guinea pig.
If you suffered any side effects at all you should have reported them via the yellow card.
But if nobody told you it was experimental who are you going to go after? Choose a target and hammer them. If you need assistance find someone, there is strength in numbers.
Raine told reporters “no corners have been cut in approving it”, and that “the benefits outweigh any risk”.
She said that did she? I am sure no corners were cut. They just said to Pfizer ‘Is the vaccine good to go?’ and Pfizer said ‘Yes’.
As to the benefits outweighing the risks, well you had spent 35 years as a civil serpent so I suppose we can expect nothing else from you, June.
The authorisation drew criticism from EU legislators, who called the MHRA’s decision “hasty” and “problematic”, and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) issued a statement that a longer approval procedure was needed using more detailed evidence and checks than the EMA’s “emergency authorisation” route as chosen by Raine, given the novel nature of the vaccine and the potential scale of its distribution.
“hasty” and “problematic”, eh? Well certainly true, but thanks to the fact it was a rush job it meant that big pharma didn’t have the chance to fudge all the results to make it look as though the vaccines worked before releasing on an unsuspecting public.
People have been trying to hide the evidence of harms and deaths, especially the captured media who hasn’t done its due diligence in reporting. But then I guess they have been paid off to do so.
The approval also drew initial critical comments from Anthony Fauci, who, after qualification of his comments, said that “Our process is one that takes more time than it takes in the UK. And that’s just the reality”, and “I did not mean to imply any sloppiness even though it came out that way”.
Initial critical comments from Anthony Fauci eh? Well hopefully you know all about him. If you don’t, please see link at end.
On 2 December, the UK government stated the vaccine would be covered by the Vaccine Damage Payment Act 1979 – leading to a statutory £120,000 payment for anyone permanently harmed by the vaccine – and at the same time granted Pfizer legal indemnity.
That quote is from the footnote link here. Copy and paste into browser to make it work.
So this means Pfizer have no interest in making sure the vaccines don’t harm or kill. How nice. The government will pay you compensation even it appears if you are dead.
Which will be very useful in the afterlife – not!
But you will be pleased to hear that it will be the taxpayer that pays, not the person that does the harm.
The act was passed by Royal Assent on 22 March 1979. It was a Labour government under James Callaghan. You may think the Tories are bad but Labour has done its bit so not to be left out.
The footnote article also says
NHS staff providing the vaccine, as well as manufacturers of the drug, are also protected.
So this means NHS staff have no interest in making sure the vaccines don’t harm or kill. How nice. Of course they might have a conscience and object.
But I suspect most of those with a conscience have left or at best I struggling within themselves. I do not know how anybody could live with the thought that they have been poisoning people, maiming and killing those they are supposed to be helping.
The Wikipedia article on June Raine continues with this quote from the Independent’s article.
Raine said: “This recommendation has only been given by the MHRA, following the most rigorous scientific assessment of every piece of data, so that it meets the required strict standards of safety of effectiveness and of quality. We’ve also reviewed and agreed the prescribing information so that the public and health care professionals are very clear and can be very confident that the vaccine is being used in the correct way, understanding what’s involved.”
What Wikipedia leaves out is this paragraph.
She said that National Institute for Biological Standards would be independently testing “every single vaccine that goes out” to ensure it meets safety standards.
Well that’s a laugh. Since when was every single vial tested? Still I suppose she means each vaccine as supplied by a pharmaceutical company.
But just because what big pharma supplies the National Institute for Biological Standards with passes whatever so-called safety test they carry out, it doesn’t mean the same is in every vial.
It is not like a soup or stew to be dished round to everybody where once checked it can be given the all clear.
I see the National Institute for Biological Standards is allegedly …responsible for developing and producing over 90% of the biological international standards in use around the world.
I see that ‘I Doctor Satan international gulf diabolists’ is but one intriguing anagram. Of course the word ‘standards’ contains the word ‘Satan’. I suppose even Satan has standards.
Low standards granted, but still standards. These include ‘Make everything as shit as possible but don’t let anyone suspect Satan had anything to do with it.’
The Independent’s article says
In a press conference with journalists on Wednesday, Ben Osborn, Pfizer’s UK managing director, refused to explain why the company needed an indemnity.
He said: “We’re not actually disclosing any of the details around any of the aspects of that agreement and specifically around the liability clauses.”
This is Ben Osborn I gather.
This clarifies that he went from university at Leeds into Pfizer where he has spent over 20 years.
I started my career at Pfizer back in 1998. A recent graduate from Leeds University with a BSc in Sports Science and Physiology, my first role was as a sales representative in Hereford and Worcester. Twenty three years later, I’m still here, and very proud to be leading our UK organisation as the UK Country Manager and Managing Director.
So merely a sales rep in essence, no real biochemistry background. Still, having such a background like June Raine doesn’t stop someone poisoning people with toxic chemicals.
He has a nice open face. Sell you anything I daresay. Satan comes as an angel of light though.
Anyway, I’m sure Ben thinks it a good idea that Pfizer are not sued as this might affect his salary and bonuses.
There is another chap at Pfizer referred to in the Independent’s article.
Dr Berkeley Phillips, medical director for Pfizer UK
Berkeley in Gloucestershire is where Edward Jenner came from, the man who started the current vaccine fraud. I have said before but people from Berkeley must be Berks and Jenner was a well known Berk.
This is Berkeley Phillips.
He is far less well known but still a berk as it is in his name. This is but one suitable anagram.
Hi pill sleepy berk
At the start of the article above it says
Dr Berkeley Phillips told BBC News NI it was important people were “allowed to start living again”.
Wonderful. Let them out of lock down so that they can get a poisonous vaccine.
Of course he doesn’t say how long people should be allowed to start living again.
All being well, the vaccines will save the problem of being locked down again as being cremated or buried 6’ under will mean that you won’t be troubled any more.
Should the vaccines only maim you that’s a bummer, but you can always try again when the next round of Russian roulette is offered.
At the end of the BBC article it says
The medical director, who said he joined Pfizer to help improve people’s lives, revealed they were now working on potential antiviral treatments, both intravenous and oral, for dealing with Covid-19.
“There are many exciting things to come, I am very optimistic about the future,” he said.
Improve people’s lives eh Berkeley? Mmm…..don’t thinks that’s worked out too well, have you looked at the figures?
Perhaps you just look at the accounting figures, much more important when you are in business.
Of course he does say ‘…help improve people’s lives.’ He doesn’t say whose lives, perhaps he means Pfizers shareholders.
That is all digressing from June Raine, so back to her Wikipedia page.
On 7 December, Raine defended the MHRA’s approval of BNT162b2 in an article she wrote for The Times titled: “Dr June Raine: How we backed a Covid vaccine before rest of the West”.
There is a footnote link to The Times. This is behind a pay wall so I cannot access. However I found this instead.
It says
BioNTech co-founder and CEO Ugur Sahin added: “The Emergency Use Authorization in the UK will mark the first time citizens outside of the trials will have the opportunity to be immunised against Covid-19”.
In other words be part of a wider trial. I have pointed this out earlier. Did you realise this. I doubt it. You would have to be insane to take a vaccine undergoing trials, let alone a vaccine in the first place.
Still, lots of people in the UK are insane and like taking poisons to see if this will make them better, sometimes from an imaginary disease they didn’t know they had. Isn’t life exciting?
Not my cup of tea though, thank you very much.
The article continues
Final results of the trial were published on 18 November, which showed BNT162b2 was 95% effective seven days after the second dose; this efficacy rate was consistent across different demographics studied in the trial. In addition, there were no safety concerns related to the vaccine.
95% effective at what it doesn’t say. Harming people probably. And after 7 days? What about long term effects?
The article continues
Despite this, Commission on Health expert working group chair professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed noted in the press conference that the MHRA will be undertaking long-term surveillance of the vaccine’s use in the real world. This is standard procedure for all medicines.
Well that is why it is being monitored long term, silly, and why taxpayers will pay for compensation so that Pfizer et al doesn’t have to be troubled when things don’t work as well as expected.
This is standard procedure, the fact that you may have enrolled in the world’s largest ever vaccine trail is neither here or there. Should you be dead from the vaccine you will be neither here or there too. On earth I mean.
Instead you will be in Hades awaiting the resurrection of the dead and judgment.
This judgement will be by the Lord Jesus Christ judging those called the ‘Quick and the dead’, the phrase found for example in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds.
Or alternatively as I might put it the ‘Quick and the brain dead’.
Or again, the ‘Quick and the thick’, the thick being those who didn’t bother to double check what was in the vaccines etc.
Other roles
Raine chaired the European Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee on behalf of the European Medicines Agency for six years.
Useful to know this. Strictly is titled the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) as part of the European Medicines Agency.
PRAC is an anagram of CRAP. Perhaps this is significant.
She was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2009 Birthday Honours and Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the 2022 New Year Honours for services to healthcare and the COVID-19 response.
Wonderful. Honours for poisoning people. Why do we still put up with this nonsense.
She is a Dame. Well in my books ‘she ain’t nothing like a dame’ to misquote from the film South Pacific.
A damn would be more suitable, somebody damned for being an accomplice to maiming and murder.
Personal life
Raine met her husband, Anthony Evan Gerald Raine, at Oxford University. He died of colon cancer in 1995, at the age of 46. They had two children.
Her husband was a doctor. I wonder if he had chemotherapy. That would have finished him off.
At least he is not alive to share in the guilt of the COVID 19 vaccine scam.
As to his children, I wonder what they will think when they realise their mother is a serial murderer because of her actions.
I see this as anagram of her husband’s name. ‘Ana any love heartrending’.
It is heartrending to lose a husband at such an age. Perhaps she went off the rails as a consequence.
Her Wikipedia link says at the beginning
For the novel by Jabbour Douaihy, see June Rain.
So sounds like we have another jabber!!!
The book ‘June rain’ is about a massacre in a Lebanese village where twenty-four people are killed by shooting and many others are wounded..
So I propose a new novel called ‘June Raine’ by ‘Do I. Jabber’ about a massacre in the UK caused by the shooting of the people by vaccines where a very great many are killed and even more others are maimed.
It looks like June Raine has previous form of ignoring evidence of pharmaceutical harm.
There have been issues with Seroxat (Paroxetine), a neuro-toxic drug for depression.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Dr June Raine, MHRA knew 7 years ago!
It says:
Dr June Raine of the MHRA knew of the severe side effects of Seroxat as long ago as 7 years ago and STILL nothing has been done.
Dr June Raine is the Director of the Post-Licensing Division at the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and her responsibilities include all the issues that relate to medicines once they are authorised for use on the market.
Now, you have to ask yourself two fundamental questions here. Firstly, Dr June Raine is still the Director of the Post-Licensing Division at the MHRA – Why?
And secondly… Why have no criminal charges beeen (sic) brought against her?
What an appalling evil woman. 23 years ago and now she is still ignoring the harms and deaths.
And here she is still not responding.
The deafening silence of Dame June Raine
March 6, 2022
Open Letter from UK doctors: Safety and Ethical Concerns Surrounding COVID19 Vaccination in Children to Dr June Raine, Chief Executive, MHRA
Other websites post the same letter I believe.
An Open Letter from UK Doctors to Dr June Raine, Chief Executive, MHRA
Posted By The White Rose UK On 28/07/2021
Dr. Tess Lawrie: COVID vaccines unsafe for human use
admin June 14, 2021 10
She is mentioned here.
Gates, Fauci, Daszak & UK Officials Accused of Crimes Against Humanity
By Michelle Edwards -January 25, 2022
David Icke on her. Useful video of June speaking.
Let’s try some anagrams of June Raine’s names.
June Munro Raine
1 of 3 top single words is –
Jennerian – relating to Edward Jenner
Here are some phrases:
Am Nero UN injure
Nero unjam urine
Am June Nero ruin
A nun Rome injure
A iron Jenner umu
Aim Jenner our UN
Euro jinn manure
Iron June manure
Jon manure urine
Manure rejoin UN
Juno manure rein
Enema junior urn
Here’s including the word ‘dame’.
Dame June Munro Raine
Maenad – the Maenads were women who went mad.
Me Ardern jinn au moue – she channels the spirit of Jacinda Ardern – moue is a little grimace or pout
Me Mandarin Eur Joe UN
I June on men marauder
AI June an omen murder
Me injurer Uno maenad
Maenad injure Rome UN
I June Nero rum Maenad
I June a demon mare urn
A mu uno Jenner Admire
Amu our Jenner maiden
iou mad Jenner manure
June on rue Dramamine – for Dramamine see
Final summary and thoughts
That’s June Raine for you, Dame June Rain. She’s nothing like a dame, she is damned for presiding over harms and deaths for at least 23 years.
But then what does one expect from a pharmacologist, they only deal in poisons of various strengths.
She is now presiding over the Great Vaccine Experiment which is waking up the world to how evil are pharmaceuticals and those associated with them.
And the anagrams indicate the problems. I highlight these:
Chromatopsia – indicating a rose tinted view of pharmaceuticals
Scotomagraph – indicating a blind spot to the harms they cause.
am corps Goliath – pharmacologists are Goliaths to be brought down.
The anagrams of her name indicate what she is, a Jennerian, somebody believing in Edward Jenner, the famous Berk of Berkeley who has been responsible for the lies on inoculation and vaccines being useful for health.
I highlight these phrases from the main text:
AI June an omen murder
Maenad injure Rome UN
I June Nero rum Maenad
I June a demon mare urn
It is as though she was destined to become a demon, a murderer, a Maenad, a mad woman, injuring on behalf of Rome where Nero once reigned, the source of the poison. Remember ‘Vaccination’ is an anagram of ‘Icon Vatican’.
She is in charge of MHRA which should be renamed HARM.
She has been a civil servant for many years but is now a civil serpent, an uncivil serpent.
Perhaps she went off the rails after the death of her husband, but I do not consider that an excuse for her. But who was responsible for letting her stay? Big pharma has been infiltrating the civil service and government for decades to push its poison wares.
I will end with Bob Fiddaman who says in his blog linked earlier:
Just think of all the lives Dr Raine and the MHRA could have saved if they had acted upon this letter (one of many letters I might add)
I find it totally unacceptable that these clowns are deciding what drugs are safe for us to take.
Dr Raine along with Woods, Breckenridge, Hudson and the other muppets at the MHRA should be held accountable for the suffering this drug has caused us all.
You are all a total embarrassment and devoid of any conscience.
May Dr Raine & Co beg for forgiveness on their day of judgement… The God I beleive (Sic) in would place you ALL in an elevator and press the ground floor button.
Amen to that. But is not just this drug, it is many, many others together with all vaccines. Note that the elevator goes down to the lake of fire a long way below ground floor, where Lucifer is destined with all his minions.
And that is the button the Most High will press making the elevator fall.
June Raine is a hard woman.
And as Roxy Music might have sung, A hard Raine’s a-gonna fall!
P.S. For more on Anthony Fauci.
Pharmaceuticals: What’s in them?
And for some lighter relief here is Bob Dylan’s song, A hard rain’s a-gonna fall, sung by Bryan Ferry (who has a home I believe not so far from me). I grew up with this, so it is rather iconic for me.
Incredible article and loved the anagrams; they bring poetically bring out word magic aspects of this diabolical death cult. Bravo!
We need to keep shining the light on these people, don't just let them scurry away. This is a great article Michael and I think the anagrams expose more truth too!!!