Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2023
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
And currently Minister of State for Science in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. This is him.

Here is Wikipedia on him. Any quotes in italics are selected text from this link unless otherwise stated. As Wikipedia can be constantly updated there may be changes in current versions. I did not keep a record but I believe the text is from September 2024.
He is well known for his role in the COVID 19 affair alongside Chris Whitty.
Sir Patrick John Thompson Vallance KCB FRS FMedSci FRCP HonFREng (born 17 March 1960 is a British physician, scientist, and clinical pharmacologist who has worked in both academia and industry. He served as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2023.
From 1986 to 1995, Vallance taught at St George's Hospital Medical School, where his research concentrated on vascular biology and endothelial cell physiology.
In 1995, he was appointed Professor at UCL Medical School, and in 2002 he became head of UCL's Department of Medicine.
From 2012 to 2018, he was president of Research and Development at global pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
Born on the 17th March 1960 means he is slightly younger than me. It also makes him Pisces. He will be rather fishy then. That is hardly surprising.
As so many of his ilk do, he has a string of letters after his name to impress the gullible and make him feel good.
It says he is a physician, but since he was 26 years old he has seemingly been primarily in research and teaching, together with some clinical practice as part of that.
Early life and education
Patrick Vallance was born on 17 March 1960 to Peter and Barbara Vallance, in south-west Essex, now part of Greater London. Before his family moved to Cornwall he was educated at Woodford Green Preparatory School and Buckhurst Hill County High School. Subsequently he was educated at the independent Truro School and his early aspiration was to become a palaeontologist.
A palaeontologist is someone who, among other things, studies fossils. If had pursued this we could have asked his opinion about Joe Biden.
‘Logo polite Satan’ is an anagram of ‘palaeontologist. Even Satan has good manners if he wants to. Helps him get his way with many people.
In 1978, he gained admission to study medicine at St George's, University of London, where he was taught by Joe Collier, professor of medicines policy, and from where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1981 followed by a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in 1984. In addition to Collier, he has been inspired by physician Tom Pilkington and former regius professor of physic at Cambridge, Sir Keith Peters.
Joe Collier has a blog which you can find here with this post.
Flagpoles, Paradigms and Anti-Vaxxers Aug 14, 2021
He is of course a vaccine cultist but as a retired clinical pharmacologist one would expect that.
Career and research
Prior to taking up senior positions with the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and later in the UK Government, Vallance spent several years in medical research.
As far as I can tell he has essentially been in teaching and research since his degrees in 1984. That date rings a bell. There is a footnote link.
Who is Sir Patrick Vallance? Government’s chief scientific adviser carved path through research and big pharma 13 March 2020
It says
As the president of research of development at the company between 2012 and 2017, he helped oversee the clearance of more than a dozen new drugs for use worldwide.
The medicine developed under his watch included treatment for diseases including cancer and HIV, according to the Government.
Whether the treatments were any good for the patients it doesn’t say, but I see ‘GlaxoSmithKline’ anagrams to
- max killing ethos
Not very encouraging for patients, but no doubt they were profitable for GlaxoSmithKline
His background in academia is extensive. Sir Patrick has more than 20 years of experience in basic and clinical research on areas including studies in humans and structural biology, and as a consultant physician in the NHS.
I see ‘consultant physician’ has ‘accountantship’ as the longest single word anagram and this phrase;
- in sly accountantship
Consultant physicians can make extra money outside the NHS in the private sector. This would open up another line of research and article which will lead us away from focusing on Patrick but I will attach this link for reference.
Consultants' private work: The gloves are off Published 20 September 2016
it says
Speaking about the 1948 contract Nye Bevan, the founding father of the NHS, offered consultants, he said he had "stuffed their mouths with gold".
That gold was the ability to continue private practice - something senior doctors have carefully guarded since.
Hmm…anyway, back to the ghostarchive link.
Teaching at St George's Hospital Medical School for a decade, Sir Patrick was then Professor at UCL Medical School from 1995−2002, and later Professor of Medicine and its Head of Medicine.
Sir Patrick described the process as “energising”, adding at the time: "We are now hearing from scientists who sound like solid biotech chief executives or chief scientific officers and it reinforces our view that this has been the right model for Glaxo and drug discovery."
In other words a revolving door between the profit making drug companies and government.
He has also been known to make political interventions. As the country prepared for the EU Referendum in 2016, Sir Patrick warned that a vote for Brexit would add uncertainty to future drug development.
As the funding would dry up and GSK would suffer loss of profits, boo hoo. However the ‘hi risk anus’, Rishi Sunak came to it rescue.
This week, he welcomed Chancellor Rishi Sunak's support for scientific research announced in the Budget:
The scientist also put his name to a letter in 2010 which warned cuts to universities may stop the UK being “the most attractive country for companies to conduct research and development”.
Conduct research and development into how to poison people for profit that is. Back to Patrick’s wiki page.
St George's Hospital
From 1986 to 1995 he taught at St George's Hospital Medical School, where his research concentrated on vascular biology and endothelial cell physiology. Prior to the discovery of the involvement of nitric oxide, it was believed that high blood pressure was usually a result of constrictor activity in blood vessels. Vallance performed studies which demonstrated the link between nitric oxide and blood pressure.
In 1987, with Joe Collier, he set out to see what caused human blood vessels to relax and essentially found that the muscles of the blood vessels are actively dilated by a continuous release of nitric oxide.
Which makes good sense. As I indicated in my post on sodium nitrite (see link at end), nitrogen and oxygen combined symbols are NO. This means they are an off switch thus relaxing blood vessels in this instance.
St George's Hospital has had some notable alumni including 3 comedians, Paul Sinha, Mike Wozniak and Harry Hill. There is something about medicine that seems to generate comics.
Then there is Edward Jenner, the first English well-known vaccination comedian. He was not the last sadly.
University College Hospital
From 1995 to 2002 he was a professor at UCL Medical School, then professor of medicine from 2002 to 2006, and head of medicine. He was also registrar of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2005, as head of the division of medicine at UCL, he published a paper in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, titled "A post-take ward round", in which he suggested that "reinvention of teams of doctors, nurses, therapists and social workers seems like an important task for general medicine".
There is an interesting footnote link.
May 2005 A post-take ward round
It is probably worth reading it all but I extract this.
We see a patient who was admitted with headache. After various tests she was diagnosed as having migraine and was given a triptan. The headache resolved. This is a clear therapeutic success.
But if only we could search the published work on the ward round we would find that there was a 40% likelihood of this happening by chance, that aspirin plus metoclopramide might well have been just as good, and that intravenous aspirin might have given the same result, possibly with fewer side-effects.
Nonetheless we get the positive reinforcement of having achieved a therapeutic success, even if in reality it owed as much to that mysterious entity the placebo effect as to magic-bullet therapeutics.
In this behaviour—of believing that what we see is always attributable to the agent we administer—we are as guilty as the homeopathists. The differences are that sometimes our therapeutic agent does work and sometimes it causes harm.
At least that is honest. But does anybody ask if dehydration is the issue? And whether the triptan was administered with a glass of water?
In 2006, in his mid-40s, he joined GSK as head of drug discovery.
There is a footnote link.
Working within industry's silken but firm embrace
2007 Apr 28
Silken but firm embrace makes me think of a spider’s web for some reason. Beautiful to look at, a work of art, but deadly to the insect that gets trapped.
The link says
In giving Vallance the job, GlaxoSmithKline knew it was taking on someone who'd been prepared to criticise the industry even while sitting on its scientific advisory board.
And in a few years’ time he could go into government knowing how big pharma worked.
And make sure he could put its case for increased profit.
Giving evidence about clinical trials to a Commons' select committee on health in December 2004 Vallance said that “some studies funded by industry have been more helpful to marketing than to advancing clinical care” and that “some of the design flaws in commercial studies may be conceived to exaggerate benefit or to obscure access to the clinically important result.”
Some studies?? How about most.
This conflict between commercial and scientific imperatives is surely what lies at the root of the discomfort that some doctors feel about joining industry. In clinical medicine all decisions (theoretically, anyway) are driven by facts, reason, and benefit to patients.
Only ‘some’ doctors feel discomfort eh? This explains why our medical system is so flawed.
And as for the theory that in clinical medicine all decisions are driven by facts and reason, well here’s Wikipedia on it. It says
In the developed world, evidence-based medicine is not universally used in clinical practice; for example, a 2007 survey of literature reviews found that about 49% of the interventions lacked sufficient evidence to support either benefit or harm.
Nearly 20 years ago now but nothing has changed, in fact I say it has got worse. Back to the ncbi link.
But drug companies have commercial departments that, although eager to deploy objective evidence if possible,
Or create it if not
also exploit other forms of persuasion. Image, emotion, prejudice, and a variety of other influences that contribute to successful marketing can lie
‘marketing’ and ‘lie’ being the key words
uncomfortably with the norms and values of scientific medicine.
Vallance concedes that in this respect there can be “tension” within the industry. But pointing out that vested interest isn't confined to drug companies, he quotes his own experience of attempts to change practice within the NHS and what can happen when reason comes up against entrenched positions or the political realities of the way the service is organised.
True enough, but pointing at the other person’s flaws is a good way to distract attention from one’s own.
In truth, both big pharma and the NHS protect their vested interests. Back to the main wiki link.
Four years later he became head of medicines discovery and development, and in 2012 he was appointed head of research and development at GSK. Under his leadership, new medicines for cancer, asthma, autoimmune diseases and HIV infection were discovered and approved for use worldwide. He championed open innovation and novel industry-academic partnerships globally, and maintained a focus on the search for new antibiotics and treatments for tropical diseases.
There is a footnote link.
The End of Drug Discovery Sun 27 May 2012 17:00
It says
We are in desperate need of new medicines for the major diseases facing us in the 21st century such as Alzheimer's and obesity. And we are running out of antibiotics that are effective against bacteria that are now resistant to many old varieties. As bringing new and improved drugs to patients becomes more difficult and more expensive - it can take twenty years and around $1 billion to bring a medicine to market - Geoff Watts asks what's gone wrong and what can be done to get new pharmaceutical treatments to patients.
What’s gone wrong? Well the pharmaceutical chemicals and products caused the diseases in the first place, that’s what’s wrong.
Whether in food, water, air or the drugs themselves.
As for antibiotics many people think that bacteria are to be routinely slaughtered in the body whereas bacteria are beneficial when in the right place.
As to why they antibiotics are not working, anybody ask what the chemical state is of the person given the drugs?
We don't need new medicines, we need a return to the maxim 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.'
UK Government
In March 2018, Vallance left GSK, and on 4 April 2018 he began his five-year tenure as Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government, replacing the interim officeholder Chris Whitty. In this role he led the Government Office for Science, advising the prime minister and the cabinet.
Which was of course Conservative. Now he is a Labour minister. Hmm…
In 2018, he was one of nine scientific advisers who, in a paper in Nature, called for "inclusive, rigorous, transparent, and accessible information for policy makers" and supported the Evidence-Based Research Network, established in 2016, to "lobby for all proposals for new research to be supported by references to systematic reviews of relevant existing research".
It would have been good if the general public had "inclusive, rigorous, transparent, and accessible information” but that would undermine big pharma’s business model.
COVID-19 pandemic
The following italic text is the updated version from 19th November 2024.
In March 2020, as the Government's Chief Scientific Adviser, Vallance appeared alongside Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Chief Medical Officer for the UK, Chris Whitty, in televised briefings on the COVID-19 pandemic.
And here they are, the three stooges, standing suitably spaced so as not to catch stupidity from each other.
Covid: How TV briefings shaped the pandemic, and faith groups in Wales react to mask law change 27 February 2022
And here is Patrick displaying stupidity.
'Coronavirus will be around forever', says Sir Patrick Vallance
Jan 23, 2021
Well the coronavirus is the exosome, part of the breakdown of cell debris from metabolism, so in that sense and as long as humans are human it will be around forever.
But it was never harmful, albeit one does need to get rid of waste material from the body.
He talks in the video about vaccines being rolled out at an unprecedented pace. This should have been a big warning that having happened so fast there would not be time to trial them.
So they persuaded the masses to roll up their sleeves and become the guinea pigs instead.
He talks about vaccines we can alter. No doubt, make them more or less toxic depending on how much harm they wish to do.
He mentions new anti-viral drugs. Yes, more poisons for the public to enjoy.
I see ‘anti-viral drugs’ anagrams to ‘avian girl turds’.
This might seem unfair to girls but no doubt, as slang for ‘girl’ in the UK can be bird, they will be eminently suitable for bird ‘flu!
At the end of the clip he says we ‘need to watch, wait, measure and release carefully as we go through it.’
This is string it out as much as possible and justify his salary.
During some March 2020 TV interviews, he made comments interpreted by some as advocating for a "herd immunity" approach. However, in his second written statement to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry, he stated that he mispoke while trying to explain a "technically difficult concept", that interviews given that same day demonstrate that he was not advocating for such a policy, and the later published transcripts of SAGE demonstrate the no such policy was being considered or advocated by government scientific advisors including Vallance. Vallance stated in the same statement that he "regrets" his use of the term "herd immunity" in those instances.
He should have said turd immunity as the British public were being fed a load of shit from which they needed immunity. Sadly, it does take a lot of shit for some people to eventually get immunity from government bullshit
And some never achieve it. There is a footnote link to his witness statement.
It is 241 pages long and frankly tedious rubbish, albeit it explains why things are so bad, so I went to the end. This is the final paragraph.
Which means if you honestly believe it you can get away with saying a load of bollox.
Well Patrick you talked a load of bollox and I don’t care whether you say you honestly believed it, you are judged a lying toad.
In September, it emerged that Vallance owns a deferred bonus of 43,111 shares worth £600,000 in GlaxoSmithKline, a company which was working on developing a COVID vaccine.
And for which he had recently worked.
This led to claims of a potential conflict of interest, as Vallance could be seen to have a financial interest in pushing for a vaccine-based response to the pandemic whether or not this is objectively the best approach.
As toxic vaccines never were a suitable, let alone best, approach it is clear he had vested interests. Indeed as he has mentioned anti-viral drugs anybody with half a brain can see he is complicit in the COVID crime.
Then Health Secretary Matt Hancock denied that this was the case, with a government spokesperson stating that, "Upon his appointment, appropriate steps were taken to manage the Government Chief Scientific Adviser's interests in line with advice provided at the time. The GCSA has no input into contractual and commercial decisions on vaccine procurement which are taken by Ministers following a robust cross-Government approvals regime".
There is a footnote link.
UK’s chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance has £600,000 of shares in vaccine maker GSK
September 24, 2020
The comments are interesting. I will highlight this.
25 September, 2020
That certainly IS a serious Conflict of Interest and should lead to an immediate Dismissal for Gross Misconduct. But it's our Gov, so will probably lead to a promotion and Peerage.
And it did. But the nasty little shit Hancock denies he had a conflict of interest. Only because the nasty little shit Hancock also had a conflict of interest.
After a televised briefing alongside Johnson and Whitty on 31 October, where a second "lockdown" was introduced for England, Vallance was criticised for showing two slides – projecting hospital admissions and deaths – which were later reissued with worst-case figures revised downward.
Five days later, a statement from the Office for Statistics Regulation called for greater transparency in published data relating to the pandemic, including publication of data sources and modelling assumptions; the statement did not refer to any specific presentation but was linked by reporters to the 31 October briefing.
Keep the masses of the people in the dark as long as possible until they are scared witless and incapable of logical thought. This has happened before, will people never learn?
Minister of State for Science
This explains the role.
On 5 July 2024, Vallance was appointed Minister of State for Science in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology by Prime Minister Keir Starmer following the Labour Party's victory at the 2024 general election.
Given that he advised the Conservative government badly one wonders if he was doing it deliberately. And he spoke out against the government in his witness statement to the COVID enquiry. This was his reward.
On 17 July 2024, he was created a Life Peer taking the title of Baron Vallance of Balham and sits on the Labour benches in the House of Lords.
Life Peer is an anagram of ‘lifer pee’. Presumably because he can take the piss (plus expenses) from the British taxpayers for life.
I assume he chose Balham (Gateway to the South if you know your Peter Sellers) because St George's Hospital is in Tooting close by in south London.
Baron Vallance of Balham anagrams to:
- of abnormal van ball ache
Suitable, he talks a load of ‘ball aches’.
Regarding his new role there is this footnote link.
He added: “I am often asked which of Britain’s many pressing public policy challenges need a vaccine-style approach.
“I believe that one such priority is the urgent need to end the era of excessive carbon emissions, high energy bills and energy insecurity by accelerating the net zero transition to clean, homegrown energy.
“With a determined effort using currently available technologies and those that are close to being deployable, a clean power system by 2030 is achievable.”
Hmm, vaccine-style approach, let me think…Ah yes, lie about the dangers, misdirect, misinform and generally mislead the public.
Not that clean energy isn’t a good thing but it has to be practical. Plastering the land/ sea with wind turbines and solar panels is a bad call when that is all we seem to be relying on.
Selected publications
His publications included various articles on nitric oxide and also:
Sildenafil: desired and undesired effects
Sildenafil’s brand name is Viagra among others. It used as a medication to treat erectile dysfunction.
It is possible that this was used in vaccines to help the needles stay stiff. After all one can’t have the pricks being floppy, can we?
Honours and awards
In 1995, Vallance was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP). The following year he delivered the Goulstonian Lecture of the College, where he gave details of the connection between nitric oxide and blood pressure.
‘Royal College of Physicians’ anagrams to:
- yo espy oligarchical felons
Somehow I feel this is more suitable.
In 1999 he was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci), and in 2002 he was awarded the Graham Bull Prize for Clinical Science.
Academy of Medical Sciences has a snake round a DNA helix as its symbol.
‘The Academy of Medical Sciences’ anagrams to:
- My Satanical cece seed chiefdom
Cece is a girl’s name meaning ‘blind’. How very apt.
He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2017 and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (HonFREng) in 2022.
Engineering the COVID fraud of course.
Vallance was appointed Knight Bachelor in the 2019 New Year Honours for "services to open clinical science". He was promoted Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB) in the 2022 New Year Honours for "services to science in government".
And for hand washing of any guilt.
Vallance was awarded the Lister Medal by the Society of Chemical Industry in 2022, an award recognising prominent leaders working on important advancements for society in the medicinal field.
There is a footnote link.
Sir Patrick Vallance to deliver 2022 SCI Lister Memorial Lecture on 24 November
It says “The Medal has only been awarded 16 times in its 78-year history” and he was “…honoured for his leadership on the Covid-19 vaccine rollout during the pandemic.”
Lister Medal will anagram to ‘art lies meld’, suitable for his artifice in lying about COVID 19 and vaccines.
In 2023, he was awarded the Royal Medal by the Royal Society.
Both Vallance and Chris Whitty awarded it
For their pivotal role in ensuring that the UK’s response to the covid-19 pandemic has benefitted from the very best science and evidence.
The best science and evidence wasn’t good at all. And they gave them a medal?!
I see Royal Medal anagrams to ‘are loyal MD’, loyal to the crown that is.
Back to his wiki page.
Following his appointment as Minister of State for Science, Vallance was elevated to the peerage as Baron Vallance of Balham, of Balham in the London Borough of Wandsworth, on 17 July 2024. He was introduced to the House of Lords on 18 July.
“My Lords, please welcome another establishment crony.”
Predicting public health in 2025 | Sir Patrick Vallance
Apr 23, 2014
The video is from the channel of the Academy of Medical Sciences. It states
We are the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medical science. Our mission is to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society.
It was over 10 years ago but Vallance states that almost all of Research and Development of new medicines is bankrolled by the U.S.A. No wonder things are so bad.
As to 2025 would he have predicted the damage to the masses of the people caused by the COVID 19 vaccines?
Or indeed the huge profits made by scamming the public into joining the Great Vaccine Experiment?
Sir Patrick Vallance to become chair of Natural History Museum
So he can keep the evolutionary theory fraud going which has been responsible for the idea of random mutation supporting virology.
Sir Patrick Vallance stays on at the UK’s Agency for world-changing ideas
It says
ARIA has been designed with a unique level of freedom which puts trust in the decisions of experts in their field and empowers them to quickly allocate funding in support of their ambitious vision.
Trust in the decisions of experts eh? That has been well and truly broken by the COVID 19 deceit.
It says of Whitty and Vallance
Often delivering unwelcome news, the pair have been dubbed “glum and glummer” for their dire warnings about the threat posed by the virus and advising three national lockdowns.
I say dumb and dumber, although who is dumber is hard to distinguish.
Covid: Not my job to sugarcoat advice, Sir Patrick Vallance says
It says
He said he and fellow scientists were labelled as "gloom-mongers" by some parts of the media, and added: "Maybe we were, but we were trying to just tell people as we saw it, and as the experts were helping us understand it, what the situation was, and therefore what the options might be."
I am reminded once again of the words ‘professing to be wise they became fools’. And so many believed these fools, thee ‘experts’.
Personal life
Vallance married Sophia Ann Dexter in 1986; they have two sons and one daughter. Dexter is a former general practitioner (GP) and honorary tutor at St. George's Hospital Medical School.
I see ‘Sophia Ann Dexter’ anagrams to
- And I hoax serpent
Hardly encouraging. I have said before but I wonder what the children of people like Patrick Vallance will think when they realise that their father has been responsible for the harm and deaths of so many.
Anagrams of his name
I find these can be a useful guide for research and often very apt or amusing. His full name, Patrick John Thompson Vallance, is a struggle to analyse as, excluding repeat letters, there are 16 letters - Patrick John ms Vle.
Still here are some full phrases:
- Hancock Johnson TV impaler plat
- Pharmacist Jonah coven knoll pt
- Ok O Satanic henchman pj troll VP
- Invokes Pol Pot anal charm jct nh
- ah Johnson plonk TV malpractice
- VP allopathic ankh conj monster
- necromantic allopath John KS VP
- Vaccinate all hop Johnson PR mkt
- Jonah NC plank clot shot vampire
All of which I think are appropriate. However his name as ‘Patrick Vallance’ is easier and to which I will add the ‘Sir’ giving a useful ‘s’. As he was knighted just before the COVID 19 nonsense got going it seems fair to do this.
Sir Patrick Vallance = 18 letters
Sir Patck Vlne = 12 individual letters
- Alien rascal TV prick'
- all Vatican prickers
- Ra trap kill vaccines
- apr CV satanic killer
- Satanic lark PR CV lie
- NV parasitical clerk
- All a civic prankster
- irk vaccinates all PR
- A slick CV liar entrap
- ACS entrap kill vicar
- viral Satan click rep
- AC silken trap CV liar
- As Lancet viral prick
Again all very suitable. The last one made me look for Lancet articles. I found this:
The UK Government's Vaccine Taskforce: strategy for protecting the UK and the world
Kate Bingham
January 02, 2021
She says
No vaccine in the history of medicine has been as eagerly anticipated
By the pharmaceutical industry
as that to protect against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Vaccination is widely regarded as the only true exit strategy
By the pharmaceutical industry
from the pandemic that is currently spreading globally.
The Vaccine Taskforce was the brainchild of Sir Patrick Vallance…
It was his fault. He used to work for GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceutical company, remember.
However, we do not know that we will ever have a vaccine at all. It is important to guard against complacency and over-optimism. The first generation of vaccines is likely to be imperfect, and we should be prepared that they might not prevent infection but rather reduce symptoms, and, even then, might not work for everyone or for long.
Or at all. But it worked for the pharmaceutical industry’s bottom line and payments for such as Kate Bingham and Patrick Vallance.
I ought to do a separate post on Kate Bingham but for now I will note that her full name, Catherine Elizabeth Bingham, can anagram to
- Here be the Nazi a malign bitch
This is her Wikipedia page.
As to the ‘Vaccine Taskforce’ here is its Wikipedia page.
It says
Until November 2020, the membership of the taskforce was unknown. A Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the membership was responded to with three pages of redacted names.
‘Vaccine Taskforce’ will anagram to
- Satanic cock fever
- Fake Co ICC servant
- A sicker fact coven
A coven of Satan’s servants then.
Kate Bingham is a ‘venture capitalist’. That can anagram to
- pure satanic tt evil
There’s a theme running through all this.
Summary and final thoughts
So there at last my take on Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Adviser during the crucial COVID 19 years and now Minister of State for Science. I am only sorry it took so long to do this, but better late than never
I like to be fair to people if I can and certainly Patrick Vallance did some useful work on nitric oxide, and has been reasonably critical of pharmacological approaches in the past.
But otherwise since then he became a big pharma whore with GlaxoSmithKlein and entered government in time for the COVID 19 scamdemic.
As he said of others ‘scientists who sound like solid biotech chief executives’, this is what he is. He is corrupted by big pharma and has caused untold harm and deaths due his lies and misinformation.
And now he is Minister for Science to do yet more damage via the climate change deception. As to highlighting suitable anagrams of his name and of which there are many I like this best:
- AC silken trap CV liar
He wove a web of lies with others to entrap the unwary, a satanic deceit for which he has been rewarded with honours and positions.
It is despicable but par for the course, a whole hoard of parasites feeding on the ignorance and weakness of others.
Part of covens, secret or not so secret meetings of those who, in likeness to Macbeth’s three witches, brew up a cocktail of narcotic and deadly poisons.
Why do not more people see through it all? Perhaps they don’t because they won’t, they are themselves compromised by what they have done or want to hold on to their illusions.
But in any event I find Patrick Vallance guilty of crimes against the nation which he shares with many others.
This post now completes the Four Horsemen of the COVID 19 apocalypse which others have referred to, Neil Ferguson, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance. Here are the other links, first two are my WordPress site.
Neil Ferguson: how did his Covid 19 statistics fool the world?
Matt Hancock, Health Secretary and British politician
P.S. I believe this is a useful site for information on various topics including the COVID scam, although I have only looked very briefly.
if you need something lighter there is this on Hancock.
Did you go to SGHMS? Joe Collier was a towering personality as I recall. I was also a student of Vallance - everyone knew about NO. Sinha has a rich history which is worth the dig.
You could say St George’s had a ‘peculiar glow’ to it. Apparently deeply socialist.
P.S. I tried to recommend your article to a friend but the recommend button at the bottom or your article didn't work.