People use this to wash their hair. I can’t see why. I mean why would anyone want to use fake poo on their head? After all, sham means
a : something that is not what it appears to be and that is meant to trick or deceive people
b : someone who deceives people by pretending to be a particular kind of person, to have a particular skill, etc.
c : words or actions that are not sincere or honest
And poo of course means poo, something not very nice!
To be honest I suppose fake poo is far better than real poo (!), but is shampoo a deception?
You may know Shampoo is the title of a 1976 film starring Warren Beatty. It is about a hairdresser and the sham of people lives around him and their sexual encounters. It is a satire of people’s lives and the pretence about their relationships. and I suppose the poo, the shit things that arise from them.
Notice the ‘S’ of the title on the poster below is like a snake. Hmm…

Anyway, when I was young, a long time ago, I used to use Head & Shoulders by Proctor & Gamble, an American multinational consumer goods corporation headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.
I thought I would analyse it. Here is the web advertising the UK side.
There is a man who looks though he has measles, but perhaps it’s just freckles.
Still, it makes me wonder about the shampoo. They have rebranded it somewhat and it is now BARE. Perhaps this will make you lose your hair.
As it is sold as an anti-dandruff shampoo this will no doubt cure your dandruff if you don’t mind a cold head. I manage ok and use a cap in winter.
If you are female then you may not mind if you look like this.

Nowadays its active ingredient is Piroctone Olamine. It is relatively new, although I haven’t found when it was introduced. There are side effects with its use.
Irritation, swelling, pain, numbness, bleeding, bruising, asymmetry, wrinkling of skin.
It says it should be kept refrigerated. I assume this is the raw ingredient rather than shampoo, lotion or topical cream.
It the past there were side effects with Head & Shoulders but seem to be only skin irritation.
I had dandruff when I was young. I never found I was cured of it by using this stuff. I don’t have a problem now although there is always dead skin to comb out but I guess that is normal.
At least I don’t have dandruff snowstorms! As regards the earlier ingredients I found this.
Is Head & Shoulders Bad for Your Hair?
Updated 05/12/2023
Zinc pyrithione was one of the active ingredients. It has been banned in the EU since December 2021 according to Wikipedia, but this was due to its environmental toxicity. It is an anti-fungal so is or has been used in paints.
The other active ingredient was Selenium sulphide. There is some evidence of side effects but not severe.
Anyway, I have not used shampoo for many years; I can’t remember when I stopped. I have stuck with rinsing my hair in the shower, sometimes using my comb.
Occasionally I will use some soap, but mainly on my scalp where, surprise, surprise, I have little hair!
Despite the fact that my hair has grown long since the first lockdown in the UK due to the world going mad, I find that my hair condition is fine.
One mustn’t forget that shampoos come in plastic bottles and I am not aware of any that don’t. Disposal of such waste is a major problem along with all the other plastic garbage which does not really degrade and leaches toxins into the environment.
Marriott banning little shampoo bottles by 2020
1, August 28, 2019
Marriott International, the world’s largest hotel chain, said Wednesday it will eliminate small plastic bottles of shampoo, conditioner and bath gel from its hotel rooms worldwide by December 2020. They’ll be replaced with larger bottles or wall-mounted dispensers, depending on the hotel.
Soon, hotels may not have a choice. Lawmakers in California are considering banning hotels from using small shampoo bottles in 2023, while the European Union is banning a wide range of single-use plastic items, like cutlery and plates, by 2021.
Sorenson said he expects some complaints, like Marriott heard last year when it banned plastic straws and stirrers. Many people like collecting hotel shampoo bottles, he said. His own mother used to have a drawer full of soap she took from hotels.
“Human nature is what it is and we resist change,” he said. “But people understand that this is so much better.”
Here is a very good article by Sam (Samantha) Bailey who is a doctor in New Zealand. It covers shampoo as well as soap.
Better Skin With No Soap
I thought I would try some anagrams to see if I came up with anything interesting.
Am o posh – perhaps people think using it is raising their status. The manufacturer will make you think so with glamorous adverts.
And will spend a lot of money on it. Exactly how much I cannot be sure. If it was great I wonder why they need to bother though.
Still perhaps they should go into vaccines as these get advertised free of charge by the governments. Paid for by the taxpayers’.
It seems they do but pay for the advertising.
And encourage their employees to be vaccinated. Whether it was mandated I haven’t discovered.
Mao posh – apparently Mao Zedong did not wash much if at all though he did swim.
The disgusting truth about mao zedong’s personal hygiene
March 10, 2023
But he died aged 82 so it didn’t kill him. Lots of other people died because of his policies though.
…estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions…
Oho spam – spamming us with adverts. Are they scamming us too?
Ohm soap – interesting…
Soho Pam – unrelated but fascinating what anagrams bring up.
ah MS poo – I don’t think Microsoft have anything to do with shampoo.
Or perhaps they do.
Summary and final thoughts
As a man follicly challenged (baldish) I have gone without using it.
Sam Bailey, a woman, has gone without it.
Shampoo manufacturers have not gone without it as it makes them a lot of money.
The environment went without it for thousands of years until big pharma and their like came along. It doesn’t like the contents or the containers.
As regards any issues you have with your hair, like diseases I would strongly suggest you look first at your diet and water intake. This might get you thinking and researching. The BBC may still get some things right!
So I will say don’t bother with sham poo or fake poo. There is no point in it and you and the environment will be better off.
Manufacturers may not be happy but we will be free from toxic substances and that has to be a good thing.
P.S. Whilst vaccines are still a thing I will attach this link.
What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.
There is a 'No Poo" movement (no more shampooing), you can find a subreddit here about No Poo:
I started with no pooing early this year, I only rinse my hair with water, as most shampoos have the chemical methylisothiazolinone. This chemical causes itching and rashes and I noticed my scalp itched each time after I shampooed.
My hair feels thicker if I don't shampoo and only rinse. Lately I have been using a purple shampoo for gray hair. It dries out my hair (like all shampoos). I am going back to No Poo. The less chemicals near my brain the better.
The only shampoo I used to like growing up was Flex. The smell was terrific. I used to wash my hair in cold water with flex and my hair felt great for days. Then they took it off the market, because I liked it. Now I just use whatever soap is lying around. I only wash my hair twice a week, unless I'm doing heavy duty work and sweating up a storm.