Here is something amusing I hope to relieve a wet afternoon in the south of England if there is nothing else to do. I believe there is some big event on in London though.
By the way I like cats as I grew up with them. I wouldn’t give a vaccine to a dog, and I prefer cats. I trust I make myself clear.
Vaccines – 8 out of 10 doctors said big pharma preferred them. The other two are being sued for malpractice.
Vaccines – 8 out of 10 people said their doctors preferred them. The other two were dead from myocarditis and unavailable for comment.
Vaccines – 8 out of 10 Democrats said they preferred them as Donald trump endorsed them and they hate Donald Trump. The other two have become Republicans.
Vaccines – 8 out of 10 pharmaceutical companies said they preferred them. The other two are in the process of being bought out by the other 8 for not following the narrative.
Vaccines – 8 out of 10 heads of state said they preferred them. The other two have disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
Vaccines – 8 out of 10 people said they preferred them. The other two are sane.
Vaccines – 8 out of 10 cats said their owners preferred them. The other two managed to escape from the vets and are now living happily in the wild.
I enjoyed that, I hope you did too. Have a great weekend.
P.S. I gather Charles was crowned king today. The name rings a bell…
What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.
Breaking news: 2 out of 10 Republicans say they prefer vaccines as Donald trump endorsed them and they love Donald Trump. The other 8 are doing very well.
...and also funny how they couldn't get their act together to have a nice, sunny day for the masses' parties celebrating the royals' event.