All sorts of doctors. Doctors of medicine, doctors of divinity, doctors of philosophy. Doctor this, doctor that, doctor the other.
And of course doctors who doctor something. Those who change or dilute something, to make it seem more favourable or gain a greater profit by substituting something of poor quality for something good.
My main concern today is medical doctors. They are frequently portrayed in film and television. I remember ‘Dr Finlay’s Casebook’ based on A. J. Cronin’s 1935 novella ‘Country Doctor’. Apparently, Cronin wrote for the show at the start. I can still hear the theme tune in my head.
According to Wikipedia, Cronin was a doctor himself for some time, but around 34 years of age fell ill. He took to writing novels and never looked back. He did not return to medicine.
He did, however, use his medical experience in some of his books. Perhaps the best well know is ‘The Citadel’. It is set in a fictitious Welsh mining town. A.J.Cronin’s Wikipedia entry says the book helped establish the N.H.S. by ‘exposing the inequity and incompetence of medical practice at the time’.
The entry for The Citadel records Cronin as saying “I have written in The Citadel all I feel about the medical profession, its injustices, its hide-bound unscientific stubbornness, its humbug … The horrors and inequities detailed in the story I have personally witnessed. This is not an attack against individuals, but against a system.”
Of course, Cronin was writing between the wars, and before the creation of the N.H.S. When I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, I was never seriously ill, except once at boarding school age 15 when I had what I think what was called German measles.
However, I had a BCG vaccine earlier in the year. Given what I now understand about vaccines makes me consider that what had happened was a poisoning from the toxic substances in the shot.
My memory of doctors was limited, but the doctor would come out to your home in those days. Save you going to surgery and waiting interminably for your turn as was the case before lockdown. I’m not sure exactly what happens now, except doctors do seem to be ringing people instead.
This of course is really helpful in finding out how people are, as you easily tell from someone’s tone of voice exactly what is wrong with them. No? Maybe not.
In the past, doctors used to get you to stick your tongue out as it appears you can tell quite a bit from the way the tongue looks. This link below gives some interesting information, and worth researching more fully.
However, sticking one’s tongue out at the doctors is the minimum I would do nowadays given what I feel about them as a profession!
My own experience with a cancer diagnosis at the start of 2020 has made me realise how ignorant doctors are about disease and its causes. See link at the end.
My wife tells me her mother, once a Queen Alexander’s Nurse during WW2, didn’t like doctors. I understand this was because of the doctors’ arrogance as much as anything.
Today, as regards Covid 19, doctors of all kinds have generally lost the plot. The majority appear to consider it something new. There are, of course, those who valiantly strive to help patients recover, and do their level best to achieve this, often against the establishment and bureaucracy of the N.H.S.
And there are those, like Vernon Coleman, who once practiced as a doctor and now vilified by the mainstream establishment. He puts videos on YouTube to highlight the stupidity and corruption of the medical establishment. I benefited from watching these in 2020 as I was trying to work out what was going on.
I don’t necessarily agree with him on everything but he has been a stalwart in the fight. Here is his site.
Woe to you doctors!
So, whilst I know there are many good doctors, I have this against you as a group.
You are overpaid, and paid regardless of the outcome. It is not that other groups aren’t overpaid too but in the NHS if you harm or even kill a patient it is the taxpayers’ who ultimately foot the bill.
You have no right, like the academics, to be addressed Dr. So-and-so. There is no other profession where this is the case that I can think of.
Civil engineers are not Engineer So-and-so, or teachers Teacher So-and-so. Even surgeons are Mister. So by what right do you take such a title? You are not God, even though some people may treat you as such.
I worked out Covid 19 was the ‘flu re-branded by June 2020, but so many of you are still ignorant of the fact. Either that or you are complicit in a cover up and afraid to speak out against the harms and deaths. And that is like the Germans who did not stand up to Hitler and the massacre of innocent people in the gas chambers.
“Just following orders” cuts no ice with me.
Before Covid 19 you were dispensing drugs, most of which do no one any good but merely suppress symptoms. You are not trained in nutrition which you should be. The Most High created all good things and these can be used for the health and well-being of all people.
But instead you by and large prescribe white poisonous pills, over-refined chemicals. And you profit by these. A number of doctors surgeries have pharmacies attached, owned by the doctors or at least a doctor. This is a conflict of interest.
So you should retrain as nutritionists and study the effects of life styles. Have letters after your name if you must, but not a title before, and your salaries should be slashed and pensions reduced to sensible levels.
I have much to say about the N.H.S. which I will cover elsewhere.
What about academic doctors? I gather the title came in due to the Roman Catholic Church and that doctor comes from the Latin ‘docere’, to teach.
Well, nobody deserves a title before their name merely because they successfully complete a Ph.D. Or indeed be Professor So-and-so because they hold a responsible position.
I appreciate that in-depth research is very useful, and I am not targeting individuals. Yet one research document, albeit substantial, and somehow you think you have arrived. In reality you have merely just started out in your journey of knowledge.
Many academics never do anything else but theorise in their ivory towers, and don’t get out into the real world, with people who do practical work and observe what is really going on. Such academics are like Richard Dawkins, who seems to think the theory of evolution makes sense.
If you are such an academic I advise getting a job doing something practical with your hands. Then you may be able to teach your students based on solid experience and observation if teaching is what you do.
When Jesus went out at around the age of 30, he had had a back ground in carpentry, and no doubt worked on houses, meeting different people. He was obviously a keen observer of the natural world. Just read the gospels and you will see.
And he did not consider titles as something to be sought. He said the following to the Pharisees, who were teachers of Jewish laws and customs.
‘They love the places of honour at banquets, the chief seats in the synagogues, the greetings in the marketplaces, and the title of ‘Rabbi’ by which they are addressed.
But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant.
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.’
I present an excellent summing up on the western world profit motivated health system. This is by Dan who posted his comment here.
0n A Better Way to Health with Dr Tess Lawrie
My Letter to Dr Andrew Hill Video
Oct 28 edited Oct 28
It looks like we (humanity, common folks, you and me) have a huge problem. Lots of money is taken from our earnings by force (taxation) to fund what is being advertised as health care. We then are coerced to part with more money by paying health insurance.
As it turns out, the health care system is ineffective, corrupt, and basically operating against medical or plain scientific knowledge. The insurance system does everything not to provide insurance coverage, and is highly successful (which is measured in openly published profits).
Those who have insider knowledge – doctors, HCWs, scientists, researchers, and their families – keep silent (as long as they get paid) or, out of the blue, wake up angry and impotent, being only capable of finger pointing and commenting.
Funny, because they are the only ones who could actually do something to make the system more efficient, more profitable (by cutting fancy things and optimizing spending) or, as a minimum, to make it at least appear to be patient-friendly.
But, no. Is it because writing critical books about the system is more profitable or “safer”? Or is it because the image of unemployment is too scary? Even though these are all aspects of human behavior, and are understandable…
If we go this way, maybe we should give up the Samaritan image and start being honest and truthful? Why not tell the patient straight that we (the medical system) really do not know much about the human body, and we cannot even properly apply that which we know (iatrogenicity)?
Why not be sincere and start actively promoting healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, healthy working routines, and healthy relationships (all being the dominant factors crippling the body’s natural strength) IN PLACE of serial prescribing things that the doctor really knows nothing about?
My point is that the whole system is running wrong. We are told one thing, and practice is worlds apart from it. I don’t mind if this is what it is. But if this is our reality, maybe we should stop proclaiming ethics, religious values, human values, saving life, helping in need, and similar cover stories?
I am not referring to specific individuals still operating within this system who may have integrity. I mean the system itself that imposes corruption of humanity and destruction of social coexistence principles. It would be much healthier to know beforehand what we are up to. That would be the best starting point to make the system truly helpful.
And here for reference is an excellent article by Andrew Kaufmann on this site.
It makes excellent references to big pharma corruption, the true causes of disease and significantly the American Medical Association (AMA).
Summary and final thoughts
I said above that doctors have generally lost the plot over COVID 19. Given the history of doctors I am not sure they ever really had it.
As regards the status medical doctors have, they do not deserve it in general. It was said by Benjamin Franklin I gather that ‘God heals and doctors collect the fees’. What are we paying them for then and why so much?
We must ask ourselves why did we ever give them this status or allow ourselves to be bamboozled into accepting it.
Regarding medical doctors I gather Voltaire said this.
Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.”
And as somebody reminded me the other day there is this passage in the Bible, Mark 5 v.25-26
“There among the people was a woman who had been bleeding for the past twelve years. She had suffered very much. Many doctors had tried to help her, and all the money she had was spent, but she was not improving. In fact, her sickness was getting worse.”
There is nothing new under the sun then. As regards titles I saw this quote which I thought relevant to doctors of any kind. I apply it to the entitlement of Dr. before a name.
It’s a subtle little manoeuvre designed to delegate kudos to the unfortunate person whose authority attaches to the role rather than the person.
Thus having Dr. in front of one’s name is designed to raise that person’s status in the eyes of others although in reality it signifies nothing. It is the person and their character and integrity that count.
As a meaning of doctor is ‘To falsify or change in such a way as to make favorable to oneself’ this should be adopted as the norm.
In reality we need very little of what the western world medical doctors’ offer as most of it is based on pharmaceuticals. I have pointed out elsewhere that ‘pharmaceutical’ will anagram to ‘Uh a malpractice’ and this is exactly what goes on much of the time, medical malpractice.
Someone on substack wrote this:
Charles Mackay, PhD
Apr 12
The medical profession is there to help us overcome health problems that we cannot overcome by ourselves, not to absolve us of responsibility for looking after ourselves.
Most of our health issues would be resolved if we took better care of ourselves. It is not just about finance and affordability of the right things, but actually knowing and caring about what is good for our bodies.
So whilst many clamour for more doctors and even more money to be spent on them and our failing medical system, I say we need less, not more. We need those who actually understand about the real causes of disease as Andrew Kaufmann wrote.
I will leave you with this link, the poem by A.A.Milne of Winnie the Pooh fame. Sir Brian thinks he is entitled to bop people on the head and kick them into the pond. The villagers object and take it into their own hand to give him a taste of his own medicine.
I trust you get the message.
Bad Sir Brian Botany
Sir Brian had a battleaxe with great big
knobs on.
He went among the villagers and blipped them
on the head.
On Wednesday and on Saturday, but mostly on
the latter day,
He called on all the cottages and this is what
he said:
“I am Sir Brian!” (ting-ling!)
“I am Sir Brian!” (rat-tat!)
“I am Sir Brian, As bold as a lion —
Take that, and that, and that!”
Sir Brian had a pair of boots with great big spurs
A fighting pair of which he was particularly fond.
On Tuesday and on Friday, just to make the street
look tidy,
He’d collect the passing villagers and kick them in
the pond.
“I am Sir Brian!” (sper-lash!)
“I am Sir Brian!” (sper-losh!)
“I am Sir Brian, as bold as a Lion —
Is anyone else for a wash?”
Sir Brian woke one morning and he couldn’t find
his battleaxe;
He walked into the village in his second pair of
He had gone a hundred paces when the street was
full of faces
And the villagers were round him with ironical
“You are Sir Brian? Indeed!
You are Sir Brian? Dear, Dear!
“You are Sir Brian as bold as a lion?
Delighted to meet you here!”
Sir Brian went a journey and he found a lot of
They pulled him out and dried him and they
blipped him on the head.
They took him by the breeches and they hurled
him into ditches
And they pushed him under waterfalls and this
is what they said:
“You are Sir Brian — don’t laugh,
You are Sir Brian — don’t cry;
You are Sir Brian as bold as a lion —
Sir Brian the Lion, goodbye!”
Sir Brian struggled home again and chopped up
his battleaxe.
Sir Brian took his fighting boots and threw them
in the fire.
He is quite a different person now he hasn’t got his
spurs on,
And he goes about the village as B. Botany, Esquire.
“I am Sir Brian? Oh, no!
I am Sir Brian? Who’s he?
I haven’t got any title, I’m Botany;
Plain Mr. Botany (B.)”
P.S. I note that ‘Sir Brian Botany’ has this anagram
‘on sin barbarity’
If you remove the ‘Sir’ you cannot get this. I could show you further but it shows how entitlement, albeit for a fictional character, can change the person’s character as it changes the available words.
Here are some posts of mine for those who haven’t seen related to doctors.
A wry look at what doctors used to promise.
The Hippocratic Oath – what is it now?
Cancer doctors.
Australia: Ranjana Srivastava and Ian Barr, doctors; what’s the truth about them?
Contains discussion on doctors and strikes.
Time, Times and Half a Time – The Times, Friday 1st September 2023
The general summary on COVID 19.
Break down of pharma poisons.
Pharmaceuticals: What’s in them?
My cancer issue primary cause.
Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.
Nailed it BM, someone got square with A.J Cronin 191 episodes of Dr.Finlays Casebook (122 are missing). This just about sums it up; A doctor accidentally prescribes his patient a laxative instead of cough syrup. Three days later the patient comes for a check-up and the doctor asks, “Well? Are you still coughing?” The patient replies, “No, I’m afraid to.”
there's a pair of doctors in my immediate family and they've become impossible to talk to :-(( however, on a cheerier note, Doctor Doctor, gimme the news.... this guy understood (Robert Palmer, "Bad Case Of Loving You/Doctor, Doctor") -