Operation Warp Speed – why did it happen and who is responsible?
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
It is a good question and one I might have dealt with a while ago. On the face of it, it was the response to COVID 19, the most deadly disease since, since, well since last year’s ‘flu.
Which is, as I keep saying, rebranded every now and again to help big pharma’s flagging sales and profit margins.
Anyway, as Wikipedia says
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.
When it says a public–private partnership it means public funded for private profit partnership.
This minimises the risks for big pharma who make the money.
And maximises the risks for the public who take the loss.
When it talks about COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, it means vax-sins as they are evil, they-rape-you-tics as they take your health, and die-agnostics as they don’t know why people are dying.
A.k.a. “Doctors are baffled”.
Operation Warp Speed is a reference to Star Trek and faster than speed of light research rather than the treacle like speed normally seen with a supposedly new disease.
The program was officially announced on May 15, 2020 under the then president Trump. There is a foot note link which explains as below.
Trump Administration’s role
Trump Administration Announces Framework and Leadership for ‘Operation Warp Speed’
May 15, 2020
It says
On Friday, the Trump Administration announced the appointment of Moncef Slaoui as chief advisor and General Gustave F. Perna as chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the administration’s national program to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics (medical countermeasures).
Dr. Slaoui is a venture capitalist and, formerly, Chairman of Global Research and Development and Chairman of Global Vaccines at GlaxoSmithKline, where he led the development of five major novel vaccines.
I note that ‘Venture capitalist’ will anagram to ‘Satanic evil putter’. This is of concern but perhaps I am making too much of it.
This is Slaoui.
Slaoui with GlaxoSmithKline CEO Emma Walmsley (December 2016)
Moncef Mohamed Slaoui is his full name of which anagrams include:
– Famous demonical home
– Him a foul demon cameos
– Am mad felonious chemo
This is also of concern but again perhaps I am making too much of it.
As to Emma Natasha Walmsley (she is now a Damn, sorry, Dame),
Her full name anagrams to:
– Am namely amass wealth
Which is true as according to her wiki page
In 2023, Walmsley collected $16 million in total pay, a 51% increase from her compensation in 2022; the second highest paid CEO of a European pharmaceutical company.
There are these too.
– Am lethalness mama way
– Alas mayhem Satan mewl
The HHS article continues
As the four-star general in charge of the U.S. Army Materiel Command, General Perna oversees the global supply chain and installation and materiel readiness for the U.S. Army, including more than 190,000 military, civilian, and contract employees.
Gustave F. Perna will anagram to ‘Satan VP refuge’ and ‘Satan fever pug’ which I am sure you will agree is designed to make one confident of his abilities to protect you.
So essentially it was to be a partnership between the pharmaceutical industry who make vaccines, called shots, and the army who are used to shooting people.
The army personnel are also used as guinea pigs for the shots before targeting the public to make sure they work properly.
This is what they signed up for, to be shot, of course.
Among its other objectives, Operation Warp Speed aims to have substantial quantities of a safe and effective vaccine available for Americans by January 2021.
I believe the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration, authorises the use of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines. Apparently ‘even faeces fit FDA’.
That is an anagram of ‘Safe and effective’. So not so much shots but shits.
I don’t know about you, but I am slightly concerned.
According to the main Wikipedia article
By January 31, 2021, when Operation Warp Speed was being transferred to the Biden Administration, 63.7 million doses had been delivered of a total of 200 million doses that Pfizer and Moderna were contracted to provide by the end of March 2021.
So that’s quite a lot of shits, sorry, shots delivered. If one is going to start a war it is best to have enough ammunition.
The HHS article continues
“President Trump’s vision for a vaccine by January 2021 will be one of the greatest scientific and humanitarian accomplishments in history, and this is the team that can get it done,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “Dr. Slaoui and General Perna are ideal leaders for this unprecedented effort to get vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to American patients much faster than ever before. Since January, America’s scientists and innovators have been working day and night on this national effort.
President Trump has refused to accept business-as-usual timelines for vaccines and other essential tools, and instead has insisted that America, and the world, needs answers faster. Under the President’s leadership, his administration and American industry will squeeze every last inefficiency out of the process and pour every resource we can into this effort.”
This is Alex Michael Azar
I found this link.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar complains of tarnished legacy in resignation letter to Trump
January 16, 2021
It says
Azar does not mention disagreements over the danger of the virus – Trump repeatedly claimed it would “disappear” – and doesn’t reference arguments over mandating or even recommending the use of masks to slow the spread.
So it looks like Trump was saying in essence there wasn’t much to worry about.
One could do an in depth exposé on Azar but I note he worked for 10 years at Eli Lilly and Company becoming in due course president of Lilly USA, LLC, the largest division of Eli Lilly and Company, with responsibility for the company’s entire operations in the United States.
Under his watch the price of the company’s top selling insulin drug tripled.
He also served on the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a pharmaceutical lobby.
I see that Eli Lilly and Company is ‘plainly demonically’, the only two word anagram. Do you think someone is trying to tell us something?
Azar’s wiki page says he is an Antiochian Orthodox Christian. I say he is about a Christian as the pope.
Who has promoted the vaccines.
The HHS article continues
“In addition to deploying 62,000 military service members in direct support of fighting COVID-19 on frontlines across the globe, the Department of Defense is racing towards a vaccine,” said Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper. “Through our research and development labs such as DARPA and the Defense Health Agency, and our massive logistical knowledge and capacity, we are committed to achieving the goal of Operation Warp Speed for the American people. I am confident that, as with any mission our military undertakes, we will adapt and overcome all obstacles in our path.”
Including ‘vaccine hesitancy’ no doubt. The army are used to giving orders and expecting people to follow them.
This is useful when you enlist the unwilling public to be volunteers for the shots.
So we can blame Trump then for getting the ball rolling. Well, okay and his administration, his band of willing Satans and demons. Perhaps you can find Satan in any administration.
As ‘administration’ anagrams to ‘In idiot Mr Satan’ it seems so.
In any event, the Biden administration enthusiastically took over the good work already done after the election was stolen won.
White House COVID-19 Response Team
The team included Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Ashish Jha, and Rochelle Walensky about whom you will find posts on my WordPress site.
Oh and Andy Slavitt and the world infamous Anthony Fauci.
Joe Biden made sure that he pushed the vaccines.
Covid: President Biden’s comments on vaccines fact-checked
10 September 2021
The BBC, that ‘world-renowned trusted media resource’ has agreed with Joe Biden.
And he did say
‘The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals… leaving no room for someone with a heart attack.’
And there would be a lot of heart attacks from myocarditis from the jabs so it was very selfish of the unvaccinated to take the beds they would need.
Not that the jabbed would spend long them as there was a more permanent ‘bed’ waiting for them six feet under.
Or two meters if you like metric and are not fussy about the exact detail.
As in anti-social distancing.
If not the six feet under bed then there was incineration of the evidence cremation.
Joe did also say
‘I’m announcing a new plan to require more Americans to be vaccinated.’
The BBC reports that in Joe’s plan
The new measures include the requirement that millions of federal government workers get vaccinated.
Back in July Mr Biden allowed workers to be tested twice a week instead – but he’s now removed that option.
So instead of having a poison Schwab swab up your nose you had to have it in your arm.
Joe wanted to get private companies to insist on their employees being poisoned.
US Supreme Court blocks Biden’s workplace vaccine mandate
14 January 2022
It says
President Biden, whose approval rating has been sagging, expressed disappointment with the decision “to block common-sense life-saving requirements for employees”.
Biden loving Democrat voters agreed with him, but then common-sense is not their strong point.
He added: “I call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up – including one third of Fortune 100 companies – and institute vaccination requirements to protect their workers, customers, and communities.”
Whilst Donald didn’t think poisoning one’s employees was a good idea.
Former President Donald Trump cheered the court’s decision, and said vaccine mandates “would have further destroyed the economy”.
“We are proud of the Supreme Court for not backing down,” he said in a statement. “No mandates!”
The BBC continues
The administration’s workplace vaccine mandate would have required workers to receive a Covid-19 shot, or be masked and tested weekly at their own expense.
So be shot or if not become a mask-ist and have a toxic test.
It would have applied to workplaces with at least 100 employees and affected some 84 million workers. It was designed to be enforced by employers.
Here’s Joe telling people to get shot or fired.
Get vaccinated or face the sack, Joe Biden tells millions of US workers
Sep 10, 2021
To be fair he doesn’t say here get shot or be fired, although there is some implication as to consequences of refusing the jab. As Joe says it is not about freedom or personal choice; it’s whether you are dumb enough to be poisoned for the sake of your job.
And Joe’s job was to ensure that you would be poisoned. He talks about his job to protect all Americans. Well, a protection racket more like. These companies mentioned in the video were in on it.
– United Airlines
– Disney
– Tyson Foods
– Fox News
Here’s a report on those who preferred to be fired rather than shot.
Thousands of workers are opting to get fired, rather than take the vaccine
October 24, 2021
Mention is made of a Becky Melcer who was fired from a hospital job. It says
Melcer was not originally opposed to the Covid vaccine. She’d actually made an appointment to get her first shot in early January. But twice, that appointment was delayed for reasons beyond her control. Then, she says, God came to her in a dream.
“He kept telling me, ‘Don’t take it. Don’t take it.’ And I said, ‘Really?’ And I kept questioning it, and He kept coming back with, ‘Yeah, don’t take it,'” she says.
Quite right. God has been tearing his hair out and weeping for his children as he says out loud ‘Don’t do it!’
World-wide scope of the operation
This is a useful link and well worth reading the whole although I do have some concerns on details. I have selected what I consider key points.
US military was secretly behind Australia’s COVID jab rollout: report
Jan 10, 2023
It says
In a project dubbed Operation Warp Speed, the DoD manufactured the vaccines, managed distribution, owned the vials, and designed the clinical trials. The pharmaceutical companies effectively only provided window dressing.
But of course the pharmaceutical companies didn’t complain as they were being paid handsomely.
It also says
The intention was to create the impression that normal regulatory processes were being followed when in reality they were bypassed completely. Australian governments and regulatory authorities participated in the deception, repeatedly assuring the citizenry that there was sound oversight to ensure safety and efficacy – even when it was obvious that medium term safety was impossible to assess in such a short period and the requirement for repeated boosters showed the injections were not effective for any length of time.
As I indicated, it was obvious that no medium to long-term safety trial was possible in so short a time frame. Those who took the shots would be the medium to long-term safety trial.
I don’t suppose anybody in authority told them this but they might have worked it out for themselves.
The article continues by saying there were four phases. In phase 1
Fauci initially wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine that SARS-CoV-2 was likely to be no worse than a bad seasonal flu, but behind the scenes he and others were panicking that their involvement would be exposed.
This was a big clue to the fact that it was no more than a bad seasonal flu.
Phase two was Operation Warp Speed, the secretive use of the military by the Trump administration. As the name implies, the time line was suspiciously short, in part because dubious, or non-existent, safety checking occurred at the same time as the manufacturing (which rendered genuine safety testing impossible).
Which anybody with half a brain should have realised.
The third phase was a propaganda campaign that affected the whole world, the biggest ever mounted. It involved an astonishing array of players: the struggling Big Pharma industry, which is now punting its future on mRNA technology, especially revenue from patents; the World Health Organisation, which Trump had threatened to pull out of; large corporations, which enthusiastically enforced the medical tyranny; health bureaucrats who have made a mockery of the phrase “public service”; universities (many Australian universities still will not allow the unvaccinated on campus); the World Economic Forum, and a plethora of bad actors exploiting the situation to usher in the so-called Great Reset, a global technocracy.
The lead players, however, were senior US health bureaucrats who set out to create fear – a tactic mimicked in Australia – partly for commercial ends and partly to get rid of then US president Donald Trump. Paul Alexander, a Canadian health researcher and Trump adviser, has provided an eye witness account of how the CDC, NIH, and WHO undermined Trump in his book Presidential Takedown. Deborah Birx, Trump’s White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, admitted in her own book that she engaged in subterfuge and “sleight of hand” in order to implement a policy of “track, trace, and isolate” so as to force through lockdowns, masking, and vaccine mandates, all of which Trump opposed.
The most ridiculous deception was counting positive test results as “cases”.
Indeed so, they were utterly meaningless with no context, even if the so-called tests were of any use which they weren’t.
The fourth phase, which we are in now, is the cover up of possible vaccine side effects.
It also says this which contains errors.
The strategy is to make it difficult to report vaccine harms or to make no attempt to distinguish between vaccine side effects and long-COVID. If Murphy is correct, they would be hard to tell apart anyway. He said the vaccines “work poorly because they are synthetic replications of the already synthetic … spike protein,” adding that “many doctors have observed that the symptoms of the vaccine reactions mirror the symptoms of the disease, which corroborates with the similar synthetic nature and function of the respective spike proteins.”
Well Long COVID is the ‘flu for a long time caused by various things which again I have written about, link at the end for those who haven’t seen.
Vaccines don’t work poorly, they don’t work at all, but dodgy statistics and propaganda advertising makes them appear to work.
They have always caused disease and always will, they are designed that way.
Near the bottom it says
The trail of dishonesty has deeply harmed Australian institutions and destroyed the adherence to truth on which sound medicine relies.
Good, it was for this purpose that Operation Warp Speed came. This comment applies to us in the UK too and I hope the world over.
And the truth is there was precious little truth in western allopathic medicine as its basis was fundamentally flawed, sitting on the shifting sands of germ/viral theory.
Donald Trump and his vaccine stance
I have not checked these comments attributed to Trump but I include the link for consideration.
Timeline of Trump’s COVID-19 Comments
October 2, 2020
There are those who say he continues to praise the vaccines. It seems he did encourage people to get the jabs, but was against mandates. It was not consistent and certainly nothing like the insistence from Joe Biden and Co.
Indeed vaccine cultists criticised him for not doing more. See
But he certainly tried to take credit for the fast rollout.
Did Trump Say ‘Some People Say My Greatest Achievement’ Was Developing COVID-19 Vaccine?
The former president dabbled in both COVID-19 skepticism and taking credit for the vaccine.
April 6, 2022
But there are those who have supported him despite his comments.
Anti-vax community blasts Trump after pro-shot comments
December 30, 2021
There is this person.
“I’m with Trump all the way,” wrote a user under the name Crockett on a Telegram app chat about Trump’s vaccine comments. “Trump knows things we don’t.”
What exactly that means we don’t know, but I consider that it is true, Trump has been working to a plan to expose and take down the Deep State. He had to be seen as pro- vaccine enough to dupe the dim who won’t use their God given brains.
Whilst giving clues to the thinkers that vaccines might not be the only way out of what was a contrived crisis.
Of late he has been pushing back against forcing of some vaccines on school children.
Trump’s campaign against public health is back on
The former president says he’ll block funding for US schools that require vaccines.
Aug 14, 2024
It says
When Trump starts to badmouth not just Covid-19 vaccines, but also routine childhood vaccinations that have been around for decades and proven their efficacy in preventing deadly diseases, he is adding fuel to a dangerous fire.
It says at the end
Donald Trump could choose to wield his tremendous influence to try to restore people’s faith in vital public health measures. He did it, if half-heartedly, during the pandemic and it had the desired effect. Instead, he’s stoking doubts about the value of vaccines, and courting the dangers vaccine hesitancy brings.
The only dangers vaccine hesitancy brings is that big pharma will make less profit from sick customers.
Swati Sharma is the Editor-in-Chief of Vox. Her name will anagram to:
– Hamartia ssw
Hamartia means ‘to miss the mark’ or ‘to err’.
– Awaits harms
– As a warm shit
She didn’t write the article but it is full of what she has in her name. As for Vox perhaps they could rename it ‘Vax’.
Now, I like to look at whether there are clues to the purpose of Operation Warp Speed within the anagrams of the phrase.
Anagrams of ‘Operation Warp Speed’
Operation Warp Speed
Operatin W Sd = 11 individual letters
Here are a few selected phrases with comments.
– Preappointed SOE war
It was designed in advance as a special operation to expose evil and wake up the wise.
Special Operations Executive (SOE) was a British organisation formed in 1940 to conduct espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance in German-occupied Europe and to aid local resistance movements during World War II.
Please note my timeline link at the end where I have been saying we follow a timeline similar to WW2, only 80 years ago.
– We dope preparations
The advance preparation of drugs to confuse the masses.
– Entrap AI dope powers
The setting of a trap to catch the criminals.
– Deep antipope arrows
– Deep antiwar opposer
An underground operation to expose the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church and the industrial military complex.
– We reaped poison trap
A harvesting of evil ones who fell into the trap.
– Appointee reap sword
A sword used in the reaping.
– ie Satan powered prop
The Satanic power exposed in its rollout.
Summary and final thoughts
Operation Warp Speed was a combined effort of big pharma and the military. Its reach was world-wide.
The Trump administration got the operation started and the Biden administration kept it going.
It was the Biden administration that brought in vaccine mandates for federal workers and tried to force it on private companies, some of whom complied.
Now anybody in their right mind should have questioned the logic behind rolling out a programme of vaccines so rapidly without many years of testing.
But so many were not in their right mind. In fact they were in their left mind as so many were what people think of as left wing, supporting the Democratic Party!
And as a consequence of the rapid roll out, the wise rolled back from the jabs whilst the foolish rolled up their sleeves and took them on their arms.
In effect they were the guinea pigs, part of what I call the Great Vaccine Experiment to end once and for all the gross deception of the vaccine cult.
This is the insane belief that being poisoned to cause a disease, even if mild, was ever of any use except to create customers and profit for big pharma and subdue the masses.
If Donald Trump had not authorised this we would have seen the continued slowly increasing heat of poisoning via vaccines etc. until the proverbial frog was boiled alive.
All of it was very grievous but was necessary to expose the evil within so many people in society, a separation of goats from sheep as it were.
The Badlands substack has been very useful in setting out various issues in the USA. Here is a recent post.
The Aftermath of a Trump Victory
Some Won’t Adjust Well
Erik Carlson
Oct 24, 2024
Erik says
Trump allowed the election to be stolen four years ago because the American public wasn’t ready for the mass awakening that needs to occur in dismantling the system.
And I say that Operation Warp Speed was part of the long term plan to expose and begin to dismantle the system.
All of us in the world are part of the war against evil. I consider that despite some appearances that Donald Trump is fighting for the best interests of the people of the USA. He has been fighting a long game.
To achieve what was necessary he had to do what he did and appear to be rather dumb and cannot roll back on all he has said and done until all is finished.
But it is not his war alone nor his responsibility alone and we must all do our bit.
As to voting in the coming presidential election, if you haven’t already by mail, well those of you US citizens will have to make up your mind. I would not vote for the Devil in Kamala Harris that’s for sure.
Anyway I hope those thoughts and information will help you consider how to vote. Certainly one must not be complacent and as some say, the vote should be so big as to prevent another stolen election.
As is written “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”
And like the American Eagle, keep a keen eye on the serpents who will pervert the process given the opportunity!
P.S. here is my main vaccine link with sublinks.
What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.
And here are various links referred to above.
And these for good measure.
We surely do have moneyed psychopaths in control (as expected - all energy accounting systems promote psychopaths to the top). Good work, Michael!
My latest piece aiming to solve for the psychopaths in control:
The End of Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy
I can't read it all because it is too darn long! 😆 I did have to laugh though with your 'die-agnostics'! The Bible quotation that pops to mind relating to 'agnostic' is: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth!" Revelation 3:15, 16 That was the success of Operation Warpspeed, betting that people would just go along with it, sit on the fence, be 'lukewarm'. The 'believers' and 'non-believers' were not considered important factors. As it turned out, the 'agnostics' were the ones hammered.