What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.
Standard text for defeating the argument that vaccines help the human body.
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
I am posting this article as I have had it on my WordPress site and it is time it was also displayed here. I would like to thank Georgie & Donny again from Georgie&Donnys Newsletter on substack for encouraging me in the first place to start this stack and asking that I post this article.
P.S. Here is a very short article regarding vaccines which sums up briefly why vaccines can never be of any use for health.
“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell
11th August, 2022
This is my standard text I use around the internet. Please use as you see fit if it helps, adapt to suit your own needs and way of dialogue with others. If you disagree with any of it I am happy to discuss but please make sure you have read my text in full first.
If you do use it and refer to me, please make sure you do not misquote me or take me out of context.
As a Chartered Building Surveyor in the UK with a broad knowledge of many subjects in science and language I have been well placed and trained to set out the case that the world has been deceived over many decades as to the supposed usefulness of vaccines. Here’s the text.
“I have had my fair share of vaccines, including polio I believe. I used to think vaccines were of some use until, at 60 years of age in 2020, I researched properly. I changed my mind.
Covid 19 and the ‘flu
Covid 19 is the ‘flu, renamed or re-branded if you will at the end of 2019 and dressed up as a monster to scare people. This helps big pharma etc, control the populace and make more money.
The ‘flu is the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.
Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.
In essence urea is a neuro-toxin due to the nitrogen which the body may use up to a point but must ultimately excrete as it is from ammonia which is highly toxic.
Injecting poisons such as via vaccines merely adds to the toxicosis problem. Vaccines have never been of any use, it is merely that constant and persistent ‘advertising’ persuaded people that they were of use. The various deaths and harm have been well-documented over the decades. It is being documented now.
Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency is the true pandemic due to indoor working and living away from the sunshine which, if we do the right thing things, will give us vitamin D (free!). Big pharma etc. are not keen on free as they don’t make much money out of it.
Vitamin D levels drop in the winter months, depending on latitude, due to reduced sunshine levels and as any gains in the summer months are depleted.
Lack of vitamin D causes rickets among other things. Polio was merely rickets re branded again for big pharma to make money – but see note at end of this subheading .
The polio vaccine was pointless. A good dose of vitamin D such as was once given via cod liver oil in a spoon (a disgusting taste I understand). You can now get this in capsule form of course.
(Note added 16th March 2023 – Other issues with cause of polio are DDT poisoning I gather, but I have yet to research. As this stage it should be said that disease is essentially internal poisoning and all diseases merely made up names for certain symptoms lumped together).
Vaccines are neuro-toxins
Vaccines are neuro-toxins, if there is anything in them at all, as are most big pharma drugs. The toxic drugs contain nitrogen and can be readily identified as a consequence if you know the chemistry.
Therefore they are at best pointless, suppressing symptoms and not dealing with the real issue. Indeed, they usually merely add to the issues, hence the ever increasing cycle of drugs to treat side effects of drugs etc.
This ever increasing cycle is good for big pharma business, but not for the human body.
Vaccines and immune system
If your immune system is in good order then by and large you will tolerate a poisonous vaccine. If weakened you will suffer various side effects. If your immune system is very poor you may die.
Boosting your immune system with vitamin D can go a long way to protecting you against the toxicosis, but vitamin C is very good as an anti-oxidant to help flush the toxins out of your system. By and large you should be able to gain your vitamins etc from good, untainted food. Highly processed foods will not help.
Vaccines and alleged correlation to benefits
I have seen the statistics on Australia since February 2020. These show a close correlation between Covid cases and vaccination. It is abundantly clear the vaccines are causing the case numbers rise, as would be expected. Look at other statistics and you will no doubt see the same correlation. It is not rocket science.
Vaccine makers will say that correlation is not causation, although try telling that to those who fall ill immediately after the shot (or die!).
However, they use the same argument for justifying that vaccines do any good, that because people don’t fall ill or not so badly, it is the vaccines which have helped. Pure nonsense, and unsubstantiated at that. Lots of factors change over time and each person is an individual, not a herd.
Links to further discussions and outside references
I have done much on Covid 19 etc., here is my link to my summary. That gives access to the various other issues. I cover the statistics in the UK and USA and more recently those in Australia.
The following explains the variants. These are merely fear techniques to fool the gullible.
The propaganda fear
The following explains the media fear campaign.
A useful website on the deceit.
How the Media Lied about Covid
Fear is a major problem in health. It should be noted that fear tends to ‘freeze’ the body’s immune system from functioning correctly and can stop people doing sensible things. Like avoiding having foreign bodies injected into their systems.
So when your soul or spirit is at peace your health will tend to be better. However, this does not mean you will avoid the side effects of chemical poisoning on your body if you don’t eat and drink cleanly.
Vaccines are not ‘free’
And I wonder how many people would choose to have a vaccine if they had to pay for them directly rather than via their taxes (vaccination is not free)?
Deceit of governments changing the goalposts and playing Russian roulette with our bodies
As regards vaccinated/unvaccinated I gather the goal posts keep changing so unvaccinated currently means not fully vaccinated in at least some countries. This means people who have had vaccines are lumped in with those who have not had recent vaccines. Therefore the people of the world are being duped into having something nasty put into their bodies.
Unless they like playing Russian roulette with their bodies of course. But then that is both sad and mad.
Variance of symptoms – the causes
As regards reasons of variance of symptoms, if any, between those who are vaccinated the problem lies in not knowing what exactly in each vial; sadly people will sell nothing for something and the vial might contain only saline, it is impossible to tell without testing each vial.
Each person is an individual in any case, circumstances can vary enormously, and each person must be considered on a case by case basis. Even within family groups no one person is exactly the same.
There are various ways of dealing with the toxins in your body but prevention is better than cure. However, ultimately the root to good health is in eating, drinking, sleeping and living well.
I say in my Covid 19 summary the cure (and indeed the defence) is in the name Covid.
C Or VItamin D. Stress on the capitals. These two vitamins are critical.
Final observations and conclusions
Vaccines are causing the issues by and large nowadays and case numbers and deaths will rise as a consequence. I recommend avoiding vaccines like the plague.
As regards dying with, by, from, through etc. etc. Covid 19/the ‘flu, in essence the body organs are poisoned and then fail one by one. The ultimate cause is poisoning, but the symptoms, the cormorbidities, are what people are seen to die with.
Even the poisoning in itself is a deceit on the body’s defence systems and persuades them not to act, thus hastening sickness and death.
Some people have had the vaccines and are then promptly ill for a while, often very ill. I even know people who I would call friends. I warned them and they did not listen. Quite mad they are.
As I have said I used to think vaccines were of some use. But they were only ever said to be of some help preventing ‘infection’ or reducing severity of the disease.
In reality this is a whopping lie, and because it is so large a whopper, it is a bitter pill for many to swallow that that they have been right royally had as the saying goes.
To repeat, correlation is not causation. This applies to big pharma ‘advertising’ that vaccines work when in fact this is all lies.
As regards vaccines not doing any good, there is a trail of evidence as long as your arm as it were or even longer. This goes back decades regarding big pharma and the corruption and injury it has caused.
As regards any reports from vaccines companies saying their products will be effective, well they would say, that wouldn’t they? They know there are suckers out there who trust anything they are told without double checking properly.
I note that vaccination is an anagram of ‘Icon Vatican’ or even ‘I con Vatican’. Referring to the icon, brand or mark of the Vatican, a Beast of Revelation. ‘I con’ refers to the fraud and deception that Covid 19 is anything more than the ‘flu.
As regards the ‘believers’ who place their trust vaccines as their saviour, they are seriously deluded. Their religion will not save them. It is very sad.
Please note I do use humour as necessary on posts and pages to lighten the mood and help make the points. I will use strong salty language if required. I am not PC.”
The fraud behind vaccines is so vast that many people struggle to comprehend it, but is like the tip of a very big iceberg; you only see a tenth above the surface.
What is below is the damage caused by the other big pharma drugs which cause harm.
It’s in the name pharma. P-harm-a. It really is that obvious.
P.S. This article will be placed in The Arsenal section on my World Menu in my WordPress site. It is my intention to create further substack posts from the sublinks in the above article, although these will be interspersed with other new posts.
Nicely written...
As a retired, unvaxxed Canadian, I researched in early 2020.
I discovered Dr. ZZ, (Zev Zelenko), and adopted his protocol in April of that year:
Every morning since then, and no Covid-19, flu, or cold.
All around me have been vaxxed, and all have caught Covid-19.
My small, nonscientific approach, convinces me that it's all about your immune system...
Take care of it, and it will take care of you.
I'm going to disagree on one point only. There is a fair body of evidence that "polio" was a toxic reaction to DDT and another "pesticide" They were spraying. My mother had a mild case of "polio" and She was a sun lover. So I doubt She was shy of Vit. D. But They were spraying a lot of DDT in the area at the time.
Beyond that one point... Brilliant!
(And I had a wordpress account and was heavily shadow banned. Good choice coming here!)