Aug 17, 2023Liked by Baldmichael

Nicely written...

As a retired, unvaxxed Canadian, I researched in early 2020.

I discovered Dr. ZZ, (Zev Zelenko), and adopted his protocol in April of that year:






Every morning since then, and no Covid-19, flu, or cold.

All around me have been vaxxed, and all have caught Covid-19.

My small, nonscientific approach, convinces me that it's all about your immune system...

Take care of it, and it will take care of you.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Baldmichael

Getting sufficient vitamin D from sunlight "is easier said than done", as many factors are involved, including skin color, if someone bathes soon after sun exposure, their age, and how much glyphosate they have in their tissue (nearly always enough to block vitamin D synthesis these days!).

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May 3, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by Baldmichael

Awesome article!

Cant stop a virus with antibiotics, so iv been told.

Cant stop covvy with a jab, its proven.

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I'm going to disagree on one point only. There is a fair body of evidence that "polio" was a toxic reaction to DDT and another "pesticide" They were spraying. My mother had a mild case of "polio" and She was a sun lover. So I doubt She was shy of Vit. D. But They were spraying a lot of DDT in the area at the time.

Beyond that one point... Brilliant!

(And I had a wordpress account and was heavily shadow banned. Good choice coming here!)

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Even Fauci admits the flu and Covid jabs are rubbish…

See my email to him dated 27 April 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine scam

David Morens, Jeffery Taubenberger and Anthony Fauci, you admit influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine products are rubbish in your article Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses. Cell Host & Microbe 31, 11 January 2023.

You say: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."

Really?!?!?! So what is this, just out and out fraud?

And now we've been inflicted with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine racket, products you admit "elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity"...but you also say "the rapid development and deployment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has saved innumerable lives and helped to achieve early partial pandemic control".

Based upon what evidence do you make that fanciful claim for efficacy?!

How have you gotten away with this utter bullshit for so long?

Because the scientific and medical establishment is captured by the lucrative Church of Vaccination, and incapable of calling out the gross exploitation of mass populations of people with defective and unnecessary products!

How many billions of people, including children, have been misled into having these unnecessary and worse than useless medical interventions?

How many billions of dollars have been squandered on the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines scam?

And these unnecessary and worse than useless products have been mandated in many instances, mandated medical interventions trashing the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent. And the medical 'profession' went along with this travesty.


Elizabeth Hart

Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy vaccinationispolitical.net

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You made some helpful remarks on a Sam Bailey Substack we were both commenting on regarding Peter McCullough. Here's hoping I can return the favour


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Hiya, welcome and you're very welcome 🙏🏽

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I like your no nonsense honest to the point street talk on health and wellness. Mainstream folks need more easy to understand health advice without the fancy language that us simple folks don’t comprehend and assume the “experts” know best. Yes I did my historical research too and wrote several articles in Medium website mainly about the vaccines till I was banned for speaking out against the establishment. I moved my articles to Wordpress but it’s collecting dust alas. You inspire me to migrate at least some of them to Substack but I lack the free time now that I used to have during covid shutdown. Perhaps one day🤞

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Mar 31Liked by Baldmichael

I'm curious about how folks in extreme northern and southern climes have gotten by for so long without vitamin d from the sun they don't see much of for much of each year. Makes me go 🤔

Otoh if it's a case of storing from summer that in turn makes me go 🤔 again given all the recommendations for sun exposure currently in vogue.

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Michael, I'm going to keep referring back to the root cause of the things you are speaking of. This is not just a psyops brain wash program, it is a medical procedure that is being used in secrete against all of us, it is in fact medical sabotage that started back in the 1800's when Rockefeller hijacked the medical industry. Peace and blessings.

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I appreciate that you've done the research that you find supports your beliefs about vaccines, covid, and the flu, etc. As I mentioned elsewhere, you knew I'd have disagreements with your premises because my background is in science. Note, I do not say I am an expert in anything, but then, science never says (with validity) anything that precludes further scientific study. Science is a _method_, not a set of "facts".

The science of microbiology appears to have come into serious question and doubt specifically in this recent covid era when absurd policies enforced by politicians interfered grossly with scientific method. This has resulted in many more people suddenly, having thrown out the 'baby with the bathwater,' discounting all previous knowledge learned through properly conducted science, i.e. scientific methodology. Fear drove this and the fear derives from distrust created by the bad apples who may once have been shining examples in the scientific community.

Alas, we confirm the adage: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority."

~ [John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli, KCVO, DL (10 January 1834 – 19 June 1902), better known as Lord Acton]

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Baldmichael

pHARMa propaganda via > complicitic on the take media , medical 'professionals' and politicians , along with the big lettered agencies and clowns like gates and schwab , with their stated depopulation agendas = "sick new world"

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good article, informative. Research Buteyko technique...very easy to learn, and why it obliterates all disease in the body. I know an elderly gentleman who was suffering from COPD and needed a respirator just to go pee, who had a coach take him through the technique daily, and at 9 mos his "iron lungs" reversed and he could go on 5-10km hikes without Oxygen. How

The cheapest book on the subject can be found at

thebreathingman.com (kindle albeit...screen shot it if you have to)

teaches the whole technique and the control pause (measure of your health)...avoid youtube video's that try to sell you a $300 training

However a coach in the beginning might be useful as it's very nuanced and in the beginning, especially those with disease, it can be hard to keep up with...there are clearning/detox reactions for sure. I stuck like a Burger King Whopper for the first few weeks no matter how often I showered.

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"Standard text for defeating the argument that vaccines help the human body."

And really, that's all the text should cover >> the argument why vaccines do not help. It should not speculate on what makes people sick. Is there a one-size-fits-all CAUSE of sickness and CURE for sickness and PREVENTATIVE for sickness? No. You said so yourself:

"Each person is an individual in any case, circumstances can vary enormously, and each person must be considered on a case by case basis. Even within family groups no one person is exactly the same."

Indeed, each biological body is as unique as the subjective personality wearing that body. What makes one person ill does not make someone else ill. What seems to help someone doesn't necessarily help someone else.

Here's the deal with "medicine" (be it allopathic or naturopathic):

-- It will seem to help.

-- It won't do anything at all.

-- It will make things worse.

-- It will create a new problem/symptom.

Your ideas about Vitamin D are merely hypothetical and have not been elevated to the status of THEORY.

To prove vaccines are not helpful does not require nor obligate you to speculate on what makes anyone sick. You go out on a limb when you act like you're certain and all it takes to refute you is one person who followed your advice and failed to achieve the promised results.

Can you link us to a published scientific study about Vitamin D that used the Scientific Method with robust controls and a large group of volunteers (half of whom are the placebo group)? The most important part of that paper would be the methodology used to acquire the data. Have you scrutinized that methodology? Does the paper contain peer-reviewed discussion and/or debate about the study?

I'm sure there are many published studies about Vitamin D, but do any of them fulfill the above criteria?

With the exception of an obvious sign of poisoning of some sort (injection, pharmaceutical, environmental toxin like DDT), perhaps, like most, you are afraid to contemplate the idea that you honestly don't know why anyone gets sick -- and if you don't really know, then of what benefit are you to mankind by speculating, by pretending to know?

To prove something is harmful you do not have to speculate on what is helpful.

To prove something is helpful you do not have to speculate on what is harmful.

People get sick for a variety of reasons. Doctors, despite their training, are only ever guessing and gambling. And consider this >> What if in most cases the body would have healed itself in spite of any medicines or "cures"? How many people are willing to allow the symptoms to run their course without suppressing them? How will they ever find out how awesomely designed their bodies are if they never allow their body a chance to show them?

Consider this >> The symptoms ARE the cure. They are not the disease or illness -- they are the body's way of dealing with an illness or disease. Suppressing symptoms does not address what caused them. It merely interferes with the body's wisdom.

The subject of deficiency is a rabbit hole in and of itself...Other than malnutrition & lifestyle poisoning, there should be no deficiencies. And if deficiency has been caused by a crap diet (malnourishing), then you switch to a wholesome diet and don't take supplements. If the deficiency has been caused by poisoning (too much alcohol, smoking too much, pharmaceuticals) then you STOP the poisoning and don't take supplements.

Have you researched how supplemental Vitamin D is manufactured? Is it lab created? Or is it pure extraction from something that supposedly contains Vitamin D naturally?

What if the body creates all the vitamins it supposedly needs? What if it only needs decent food & water to do so? And yet, how do you explain the benefits of a 30 day fast? Fasting means NO consumption of food or supplements -- and yet people report improved health as the result of fasting. Fasting helped them without supplements, without "vitamins" from food or any other source.

And think about deficiency >> If you claim a body that receives a good diet & lifestyle is deficient of a particular vitamin, how did it get that way? And will the patient have to consume a supplement for the rest of their lives? But why has the body stopped producing that vitamin naturally?

If you want to defeat the argument that vaccines help, why not list their ingredients? And with each ingredient, why not list the study that presumably showed why it was helpful and how it was helpful? But even if you don't list the studies that justify the use of each chemical, the mere listing of the chemicals should be enough for anyone with common sense to avoid having them injected into their bodies. How did mankind live for thousands of years without injecting synthetic chemicals as a means to ward off illness?

Your efforts to help mankind are obvious. Thank you for trying to help. There is no harm in admitting "I don't know" when you really don't know, and you really don't know when you don't severely scrutinize a study or experiment. I approach every single study & experiment & claim as if they are LIARS trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I trust NO ONE -- not even my mentors. NO ONE gets a free pass. NO ONE gets to earn my blind trust or blind faith.

Like you, I am learning as time goes by. I, too, used to "believe" in deficiencies as a cause for sickness. After further studying, I am comfy in my conclusion that I just can't be sure and since I can't be sure, I don't really fucking know and therefore I shall do my best to refrain from making claims about CAUSES or CURES.

The subject of Health & Illness actually gets murkier the more closely you examine it, rather than clearer. I have known people with good diets & healthy lifestyles who still get sick in one way or another. I, myself, have never lived a healthy lifestyle (according to "experts") and yet I rarely get sick. I have never been hospitalized for an illness.

What if all things have been predetermined to occur in this world? That would mean that illnesses & injuries are SCHEDULED to happen and are totally unpreventable. When it's your time to be sick, you will get sick regardless of diet & lifestyle & environment & "knowledge".

When it's your time to die, you will die on time.

What if this "life" was all a scripted story that necessarily included misfortunes & illnesses & injuries? What if any of us can only do what occurs to us in the here and now and can only work with what is immediately available to use in the here & now? Can you control what occurs to you? Can you control which thoughts & ideas & solutions pop up?

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Is it not the case case that it *was* a 'novel corona virus' - and they knew that because they fabricated it! - Furin cleavage site - never before seen in a 'corona virus' - and the only data for the form of the virus came from China... Who owned the Whuhan Institute of Virology.... Funded by USA convolutedly by Fauci the war criminal against the entire human race? !!!

That is if you believe in virus that replicate and cause disease in a perfectly healthy host of course...

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