I have been aware for a little while that people have been raising issues with them and the amidwesterndoctor (MWD) raised this in a recent post in this link.
He/she thinks of statins as Satans!
I believe I might have thought this myself, but when I see statin I remember the place Stettin in Poland. It is called Szczecin in Polish, part of Stettin a region, once Pomerania. It has generally poor soils and was part of Prussia.
Perhaps this has some indirect implications for statins if they are not very good either.
Still, I thought I would do an article myself having made some comments on MWD’s site. I will use Wikipedia article as a starting point. Text in italics from this unless otherwise stated.
What are statins and what are they supposed to do.
Statins, also known as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, are a class of lipid-lowering medications that reduce illness and mortality in those who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease. They are the most common cholesterol-lowering drugs.
So the claim is they reduce illness and mortality in those at high risk of heart disease.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) carriers of cholesterol play a key role in the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease via the mechanisms described by the lipid hypothesis.
Note that lipid hypothesis is just a hypothesis, allegedly in some quarters proved beyond reasonable doubt.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are one of five groups of fat carriers ranging from very low density to high density.
Statins are effective in lowering LDL cholesterol and so are widely used for primary prevention in people at high risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as in secondary prevention for those who have developed cardiovascular disease.
I have no reason to doubt that statins do reduce LDL, the carriers of cholesterol but is this a good thing?
How do they work
…statins block the pathway for synthesizing cholesterol in the liver.
When the liver can no longer produce cholesterol, levels of cholesterol in the blood will fall.
Fair enough but again is this a good thing?
Cholesterol – what is it?
Quotations in italics from this link.
Where does the word come from?
The word cholesterol comes from Ancient Greek chole- ‘bile’ and stereos ‘solid’, followed by the chemical suffix -ol for an alcohol.
What is cholesterol
Cholesterol is any of a class of certain organic molecules called lipids. It is a sterol (or modified steroid), a type of lipid.
What are lipids?
Lipids are a broad group of naturally-occurring molecules which includes fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E and K)
So broadly speaking we can consider them fats, cholesterol is a fat or more properly fatty liquid like an oil.
What makes it?
All animal cells (exceptions exist within the invertebrates) manufacture cholesterol, for both membrane structure and other uses, with relative production rates varying by cell type and organ function.
About 80% of total daily cholesterol production occurs in the liver and the intestines; other sites of higher synthesis rates include the brain, the adrenal glands, and the reproductive organs.
Cholesterol also serves as a precursor for the biosynthesis of steroid hormones, bile acid and vitamin D.
It is worth my pointing out at this stage these anagrams of cholesterol.
Hosteller and reclothes are top two single word anagrams. Full anagrams with these words include;
lo reclothes
co hosteller
reclothe sol
Consider then that cholesterol is an essential structural component of our cell membranes, i.e. it its part of the cell ‘clothing’.
Or put another way, as hosteller can mean someone who keeps a hostel which provides shelter for travellers so the cell membrane provides shelter for the cell contents.
Note that cholesterol serves to help make vitamin D. D for defence for the whole body, as clothing protects the body from the cold etc. and a hostel protects you from the weather.
Available forms of statins
The statins are divided into two groups: fermentation-derived and synthetic.
By Panoramix303 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9553648
Common side effects include diarrhea, constipation, headache, muscles pains, rash, and trouble sleeping.
Serious side effects may include liver problems, muscle breakdown, and kidney failure. Use during pregnancy may harm the baby
Lovastatin is a naturally occurring compound found in low concentrations in food such as oyster mushrooms, red yeast rice, and Pu-erh.
So why not just eat these instead. Eat properly and be well.
By Vaccinationist – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=53633045
Limited information here.
Following from
Side effects include those of other statins, such as myalgias, abdominal pain, nausea. It also has a higher chance of giving more severe side effects related to myotoxicity (myopathy, myositis, rhabdomyolysis), and hepatotoxicity, than other statins.
Due to these major side effects and their enhanced rate of occurance, Mevastatin is not given therapeutically.
Good grief, what is the point in these things??
Naturally occurring compound found in red yeast rice
Again, why not just eat the rice.
Common side effects include joint pain, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, and muscle pains.
Serious side effects may include rhabdomyolysis, liver problems, and diabetes.
Use during pregnancy may harm the fetus.
Same issues as with other statins. It is:
Fermentation-derived (a fermentation product of bacterium Nocardia autotrophica)
So I don’t suppose you can eat something. Why not revert to the foods referred to earlier?
By No machine-readable author provided. Siriudie assumed (based on copyright claims). Own work assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4486633
Common side effects include constipation, headaches, and nausea.
Serious side effects may include muscle breakdown, liver problems, and increased blood sugar levels. A lower dose may be needed in people with kidney problems.
There is evidence of harm to the developing baby when taken during pregnancy and it should not be used by those who are breastfeeding.
Please note that means women in case you wondered.
N.B. Of the above fermentation derived forms it will be noted the hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms are evident. Although they don’t contains nitrogen and fluorine, it appears they must be highly oxidising which would explain the side effects.
Common side effects include joint pain, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and muscle pains.
The article says 1-10% of people in clinical trials suffered the above.
Serious side effects may include rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle tissue), liver problems, and diabetes. Use during pregnancy may harm the fetus.
A 2010 meta-analysis demonstrated that every 255 people treated with a statin for four years – produced a reduction of 5.4 major coronary events and induced only one new case of diabetes.
Well, it seems reasonable to assume that inducing diabetes is a possible side effect but alleging a reduction in coronary events is mere crystal ball gazing and ridiculous. You cannot assume a product contacting a toxic element such as fluorine will do any good in the long term.
In 1994, the findings of a Merck-funded study were published in The Lancet concluding the efficacy of statins in lowering cholesterol proving for the first time not only that a “statin reduced ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol but also that it led to a sharp drop in fatal heart attacks among people with heart disease.”
That’s fine but Merck are a pharmaceutical company funding a study to justify a pharmaceutical product. They have vested interests.
And it assumes there is such a thing as ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol.
Lipitor alone “provided up to a quarter of Pfizer Inc.’s annual revenue for years.”
So it was a very important part of Pfizer’s revenue.
withdrawn from the market in August 2001 due to risk of serious rhabdomyolysis – which is a condition in which damaged skeletal muscle breaks down rapidly.
Adverse effects are comparable to other statins. Common are nausea, indigestion, insomnia and headache. Myalgia (muscle pain), and rarely rhabdomyolysis, characteristic side effects for statins, can also occur.
Common statin-related side effects (headaches, stomach upset, abnormal liver function tests and muscle cramps) were similar to other statins.
Common side effects include abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, and muscle pains. Serious side effects may include rhabdomyolysis, liver problems, and diabetes. Use during pregnancy may harm the baby.
Side effects include flu-like symptoms and …increase the risk of diabetes, consistent with FDA’s review, which reported a 27% increase in investigator-reported diabetes mellitus in rosuvastatin-treated people.
I note
AstraZeneca’s CEO Tom McKillop called the editorial “flawed and incorrect” and slammed the journal for making “such an outrageous critique of a serious, well-studied medicine.”
A serious well studied medicine? Well, I’m sure well studied by big pharma who have a vested interest in studying and evaluating it whilst trying it out in the market and making money.
And anagram of Tom McKillop is ‘to mm pillock’ as is ‘Copt kill mom’. These don’t fill me with confidence in his judgement.
Rosuvastatin indeed lowered cholesterol more than other statins, but Wolfe asked “what about actually improving health, preventing heart attacks and strokes?”
Yes, indeed, well said. Still, that’s a minor detail to Tom McPillock, sorry, McKillop I suppose.
He did at least have qualifications in chemistry according to Wikipedia. But not in banking. He was involved in the crash in RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland).
At a meeting of the Treasury Select Committee of the House of Commons on 10 February 2009, he admitted to having no qualifications in banking. Like the retired bankers present, he apologised for the bankruptcy for RBS.
I don’t suppose he suffered financially for his incompetence. You Pillock, McKillop. And just because you have expertise in chemicals doesn’t make you an expert in what they do to the body, does it??
N.B. Of the above synthetic types it will be noted apart from hydrogen and oxygen atoms, nitrogen (N) and fluorine (F) atoms are also evident. These are elements involved in neuro-toxicity.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statin
LDL-lowering potency varies between agents. Cerivastatin is the most potent, (withdrawn from the market in August, 2001 due to risk of serious rhabdomyolysis) followed by (in order of decreasing potency), rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, and fluvastatin.
The relative potency of pitavastatin has not yet been fully established, but preliminary studies indicate a potency similar to rosuvastatin.
Anagrams of the various statins
As I have found anagrams to seem to have relevance I thought I would selected one or more from each name. You can look further to check.
I Satan volt
iv met Satan
Arv pit Satan
iv Satan trap
avant rapist
apt vain star
Satanist vim
I Satanism TV
Its Satan vim
At starvation
Toast variant
At Satan vitro
rot Satan vita
Satan tort via
inactive star
Rivet Satanic
Vatican rites
I Satan TV flu
Fatal stun vi
Satan vita pit
AI pit Satan TV
Or Satanist uv
Riots Satan uv
As saviour TNT
Starvation US
As you can see, Satan gets around! But given the side effects, it makes you wonder.
The use of statins in the USA etc. and assumptions of benefit
The Top 300 USA prescription drugs of 2020
Provided by the ClinCalc DrugStats Database
6 statins listed, including 5 of those I have referred to and they are all in the top 100.
Atorvastatin – prescriptions 114,509,814 – patients – 26,640,141
That’s about 8% at 2020 population of 335,942,003 as per
UK and US at odds with Europe over statin use
Dec 22, 2016 (updated: Jan 5, 2017)
Statins are already the United Kingdom’s most commonly prescribed medicines – roughly 6 million Brits take the drugs on a regular basis to lower the risk of a cardiovascular incident, in line with US practice. But in continental Europe, views tend to differ.
That is probably similar % to the USA. It’s a lot of people.
At the ESC’s annual congress in August, cardiologists said that the new guidelines emphasised lifestyle and nutrition alongside targets for body mass index and weight, while the ESC’s Task Force stated that around 80% of CVD instances could be prevented by behavioural changes.
From The Lancet
A review in leading medical journal The Lancet in September argued that statins prevent around 80,000 heart attacks and strokes every year.
“Our review shows that the numbers of people who avoid heart attacks and strokes by taking statin therapy are very much larger than the numbers who have side-effects with it,” said author Professor Rory Collins from the University of Oxford.
“Whereas most of the side-effects can be reversed with no residual effects by stopping the statin, the effects of a heart attack or stroke not being prevented are irreversible and can be devastating,” he added.
You note the assumptions made in the above, he assumes the statins are preventing something, this is selective bias. There are any number of factors as to why someone does not have a heart attack or stroke.
“Controversy over the safety and efficacy of statins has harmed the health of potentially thousands of people in the UK,” adds Dr Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet.
Again a gross assumption, suggesting that healthy discussion over the merits of a big pharma pill benefiting people is not a good idea.
And he uses the word potentially, so it is theoretical, a fear tactic to get people worried and take the pill, just in case.
But he is only a professor, and professors profess to know things but often live in ivory towers. Their so called knowledge verges on a religious cult.
Despite its more aggressive stance on statin prescription, the UK ranked only 13th across the EU-28, according to the Euro Heart Index (EHI) published in December, which provides a ranking of cardiovascular healthcare systems in 30 countries.
France and Sweden ranked first and second. The EHI concluded that European healthcare systems suffered from a “prevention deficit”.
It is also unclear how effective statins are at preventing a first heart attack or stroke in people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.
Even so, Professor Arne Björnberg, who chairs the Health Consumer Powerhouse, which publishes the EHI stated that, “more systematic use of therapies such as statins and clopidogrel would save thousands of lives”.
Yet again an assumption, a vague statement and a false appeal to ‘saviour’ drugs. This is a religious belief, not science.
And clopidogrel contains nitrogen sulphur and chlorine atoms and will be neuro-toxic. As anticipated, side effects are there as usual.
Statins work or not?
Statins ‘don’t work well for one in two people’
15th April 2019
Selected text from above in italics.
Cholesterol-lowering “statin” drugs taken by millions of Britons may not work well enough in about half of those prescribed them, research suggests.
UK investigators looked at 165,000 patients on statins and found that for one in two, the drugs had too little effect on bad cholesterol – one of the big risk factors for heart disease.
They are not sure why statins appear to help some more than others.
Appearances can be deceiving that’s why. Which is why people have been deceived over vaccines and big pharma drugs in general.
Patients should not stop taking the drugs without seeing their doctor.
And the manufacturer (ahem).
One possible explanation is patients not taking their prescribed drugs or doctors giving them at too low doses, experts suggest.
Experts? Well we know how much we can rely on experts don’t we.
Prof Metin Avkiran, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, advised: “Statins are an important and proven treatment for lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of a potentially fatal heart attack or stroke.
Yet again more assumptions, assuming lowering certain cholesterol is beneficial and reduces risk. We have heard this regarding vaccines and look were that got us today.
“If you have been prescribed statins, you should continue to take them regularly, as prescribed. If you have any concerns you should discuss your medication with your GP. There are now other drugs available to help lower cholesterol levels, and it may be that another type of medication will be an effective addition or alternative for you.”
And big pharma will be happy to supply these at a price. Or free via the NHS. Which you pay for via taxes so not free. That’s a bummer, eh?
Here’s a Royal College of GPs view.
Prof Helen Stokes-Lampard, chairwoman of the Royal College of GPs, said: “When we prescribe medication, we have to rely on patients to make sure that they take it, both at the recommended dose and for the duration of time that we think will benefit them most.
I am glad she thinks GP’s think. Sadly to my cost I have found that most GP’s nowadays don’t think that much. They wear masks for the ‘flu in their surgeries when it is obvious they won’t stop the ‘flu.
“There is a substantial body of research showing that statins are safe and effective drugs for most people, and can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, when prescribed appropriately – but controversy remains around their widespread use and their potential side-effects.
“There are complex reasons why patients choose not to take their prescribed medication, and mixed messaging around statins could be one of these.”
It could be Helen that patients are beginning not to trust the GP’s and their thinking skills. Vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, a wonderfully strong assertive message.
I see you were promoting them like statins.
Anti-vaxxers are still spreading false claims as people die of measles
August 2018
No Helen, it is pro-vaxxers like you still spreading false claims that measles is caused by lack of vaccines, how stupid can you be.
NHS organisations instructed to rapidly vaccinate staff
8 January 2021
Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges said: “In the middle of an incredibly dark time, this is very welcome news. Day after day scores of people who care for the sick and vulnerable put their lives on the line, many have already been seriously ill; ensuring they all have the vaccine is the surest way to help the healthcare system to keep functioning at the highest levels as we work to overcome this pandemic and save as many lives as possible.
We have done an incredible job to get as far as we have with the vaccine programme in this country, we know the future roll-out plans are ambitious, but they are achievable and hopefully now people can see there is a light at the end of the tunnel.”
Got that wrong didn’t you? What a pig ignorant doctor you are. But you’re far worse than that. You are promoting grievous bodily harm and murder by poison.
Is Cholesterol Really an Issue?
I consider this article worth reading. By Sarah Barendse
It says
Cholesterol became a household term in the 1960s when the American Heart Association first introduced cholesterol guidelines, and labeled one type of cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol) as “good” and another type (low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol) as “bad”. But what exactly is good or bad about it? Is it really good or bad at all?
“Good” Cholesterol
HDL has traditionally been considered “good” because this type of cholesterol travels through your blood collecting excess LDL cholesterol and returning it to the liver where it can be broken down rather than adding to plaque buildup in your arteries.
“Bad” Cholesterol
LDL has traditionally been considered “bad” because this type of cholesterol has the potential to accumulate in your arteries as plaque and eventually clog your arteries.
So how did LDL get such a bad rap?
LDL particles, when you eat a healthy good diet, are fairly large. They flow easily and have no problems being transported through your blood stream. What happens, and where you can run into problems, is when you eat a fatty processed unhealthy diet.
The liver creates smaller particles, which can get stuck throughout your circulatory system. When they get stuck, over time, they can begin to oxidize and go rancid. That is the plaque build up the medical industry keeps referring to and why it has been deemed “bad” cholesterol.
So the issue is a healthy diet as we keep getting told, although the statins keep getting thrown in by big pharma.
Like a spanner in the works, knackering our bodies, bringing everything to a halt!
The article refers to Pink Himalayan Salt instead of table salt. Whilst I am not convinced Pink Himalayan Salt is wonderful, table salt has serious issues with chemicals added to keep it flowing. I have yet to check in detail but other sites will confirm.
Sarah asks why won’t doctors tell you this? She essentially says, because of the money.
To be fair many doctors do mention diet although in the USA from what I am hearing they seem few and far between.
American Heart Association
Sarah refers to the American Heart Association. This only became big when selected for support by Procter & Gamble an American multinational consumer goods corporation headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.
You can read about the problems with Proctor and Gamble. And then there’s this article.
The American Heart Association — Protecting Industry Not Patients
Yet in its 2011-2012 financial statement, the AHA noted $521 million in donations from non-government and non-membership sources and many well-known large drug companies, including those who make and market statins, contribute amounts in the $1 million range.
I hope you don’t donate to the AHA. I have noted American Heart Association contains the word ‘Satan’ and ‘satanic’. They recommend statins, so is this a case of Satan recommending satans, his offspring as it were?!
This article is worth considering, a couple of opposing views. Copy and paste into browser to make it work.
Is there really such a thing as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol?
British Heart Foundation on statins
Note what they say as of 9th May 2023
Statins have been prescribed to millions of people and are estimated to save 7,000 lives each year in England. The decision to take a statin is an important one, as it will probably be recommended that you take the medication for a long time.
This is another foolish statement. No one can claim something saves x number of lives, there are too many variables.
You will be recommended you take it for a long time as this will make big pharma more money.
Yet the article as a whole is reasonable as it discusses the benefits of a Mediterranean diet which is a sensible approach. In the UK this is not practical for everyone, but there are still alternatives.
So the article is giving a mixed message. Still, better than its views on vaccines.
But I still hope you don’t support the BHA financially because of its stance on vaccines.
British Heart Foundation – what are they saying about Covid 19 and vaccines?
The scam of statins
I consider this a very sensible balanced article worth reading the whole, although I will extract highlights.
Are Cholesterol Medications Really Just A Scam?
To put it a little less politely: the millions of people taking statins for primary prevention are taking a drug they don’t need!
Aug 3, 2011,
By Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Cholesterol-lowering statin medications like Lipitor and Crestor have been the #1 prescribed class of drugs in the U.S. for years. More than 215 million prescriptions add $14 billion to drug company coffers every year. A recent report from the government’s National Center for Health Statistics showed that an astounding 25 percent of Americans aged 45 and older take statins, compared to only 2 percent in 1994. (The drugs came on the market in 1987.)
This is 2011, 12 years ago, but 25% of US citizens aged 45 and older!
The article continues to say that you may be suitable for statins if you have Cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Yet as mentioned earlier, statins can CAUSE diabetes!!
Reference is made to a report from the UK analysing the data from 14 earlier studies. It exposed various failings including:
– statin-positive results were emphasized, while statin-negative results were ignored (an unfortunately common practice in drug studies).
– “failure to report adverse events” — if statins produced side effects, the study authors didn’t mention them (another sadly routine feature of pharmaceutical research).
– “an inclusion of people with cardiovascular disease” in the studies — a sneaky strategy designed to produce positive results, since statins are proven to work in folks with CVD.
… these were studies on primary prevention for people without CVD, not secondary prevention for people with CVD.
The report summarised
“Only limited evidence showed that primary prevention with statins may be cost effective and improve patient quality of life,” they concluded. “Caution should be taken in prescribing statins for primary prevention among people at low cardiovascular risk.”
So as the writer of the article says
To put it a little less politely: the millions of people taking statins for primary prevention are taking a drug they don’t need!
The downside of statins for primary prevention isn’t only that they cost you $1,000 a year and probably don’t do you any good. They can also do you a lot of harm.
He goes on to discuss them and I have referred to these earlier. He says
Now you might ask yourself: If statins — the #1 prescribed drug in the U.S. — don’t work for primary prevention, how come you didn’t hear about this study on TV or read about it in the newspapers? Follow the money, I believe. The #2 source of advertising money for the media is (you guessed it) prescription medications. You don’t bite the hand that pays you.
We keep coming back to this, boring as it is it is sadly true. The love of money, the root of all kinds of evil.
He then refers to a test which is a C-reactive protein (CRP) test and says it is pointless.
I believe that this epitomizes a lot of modern medicine: using a meaningless test to prescribe a ineffective drug!
Now I hope those of you keeping up will recall another test with the same initials.
Ring any bells? PCR tests/lateral flow tests for COVID 19, in reality the ‘flu, to justify a vaccine that not only is pointless at best, but causes harm and death.
Like all vaccines of course.
He goes to give good advice as to what you can do to benefit your heart rather than take a pointless or harmful big pharma drug.
Natural Ways to Protect Your Heart
Fortunately, there are many safe and natural, non-drug approaches to protecting your heart. Vitamin K can shield your arteries from cholesterol buildup. The mineral magnesium is powerfully cardioprotective. Vitamin D is linked to better heart health.
The sun (free) will boost your D if you do the right things.
Several lifestyle factors also play a role in a healthy heart. Exercise regularly. Stop smoking. Spend time with supportive family and friends. That includes your animal friends too — a study showed that owning a cat is almost 25 times more effective in lowering the risk of dying from heart disease than taking a statin!
Smoking may not be such as issue as we are told, I believe vaping is probably far worse. However, tobacco is treated with chemicals and then there are the plastics etc. in filters.
I like cats, to me they are purrfect! But dogs will get you out and about, they need regular exercise like you.
Especially important? A low thyroid, despite normal tests, was associated with a 69 percent increased risk of heart attack in women. So optimize thyroid function. In men (but not women), low testosterone is also associated with high cholesterol levels. So I recommend tuning up these hormones in people with high cholesterol, as this usually will lower cholesterol as well.
As for what you eat: I would recommend favoring a Mediterranean-style diet that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats (from olive oil, fatty fish, avocados, walnuts and the like), and minimizes meat, dairy products and processed foods.
If you eat processed foods check what is in them, especially avoid the nitrites and nitrates and artificial sweeteners. These are neuro-toxic and particularly harmful.
You may also want to eat an ounce or so a day of dark chocolate, a delicious food that science shows works for both primary and secondary prevention of CVD — and produces primary smiles in everybody who takes a bite!
I will go with a bit of chocolate, if it is good quality.
Here’s Dwight C. Lundell M.D.
The Statin Scam
Jan 2011
A thoracic (chest) surgeon dealing with heart disease for 25 years. He says:
Statin drugs, the ones your Doctor insists that you take if your cholesterol is slightly elevated and Bernie Madoff ( the now infamous financial fraudster ) have both left in their wake many innocent victims, and many sincere but misled supporters. Both are huge frauds perpetrated on the unsuspecting.
Mr. Madoff, over 30 years swindled people out of about $50 billion. Statins have a worldwide market of over $30 billion annually and have had for many years. In addition, the testing for and treating elevated cholesterol costs about $100 billion annually with no noticeable benefit to the victims, I mean patients.
I’m not sure that the statin makers intended to swindle in the beginning but they also were not about to give up on a $30 billion annual market easily.
I think he is too kind about the intentions of statin makers. People see a market and are out for your money, not your health. As I keep saying if you are well you are not a repeat customer.
There are many sincere, well intentioned and deeply convinced physicians that will continue to support the theory that dietary cholesterol and saturated fats cause heart disease.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but as many physicians are after the money, I would say the road to hell is paved with gold.
N.B. The word should really be Hades as in shade or dark, as hell means light so they are heading for darkness.
He goes on to say
The idea that a normal substance, namely cholesterol, would cause heart disease never resonated with me. I would see patients coming back for second coronary bypass operations a few years after their first, having had normal cholesterol levels the entire time. In the operating room I had made the observation that there seemed to be inflammation around the coronary arteries that I was bypassing.
Through brilliant and massive marketing the makers of statin drugs have skillfully influenced science and controlled public policy so that prescribing statin drugs has become the standard of care. Anyone questioning or disagreeing with these policies is labeled as a heretic, disregarded and ridiculed.
And of course if there is a lot of money to be made people will do anything, including lying.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ), The National Cholesterol Education Program, The American Heart Association and many academic centers are led and influenced by physicians who receive direct or indirect benefit from the makers of statin drugs.
Their influence is so pervasive that recently the FDA approved Crestor®, a statin, to treat patients with normal cholesterol. Some of these academics have called for treating children with statin drugs. Marketing has truly triumphed over medicine.
Marketing has triumphed. The Marketing of the Beast, the big pharma beast. And whilst I am at it, consider this anagram of ‘marketing’:
‘German kit’ – marketing is the kit, the tool of Germany (although adopted by many nations), and part of its Fourth Reich industrial takeover of the world.
If you will remember I have covered how Germany is one of the three key players in this affair as it is where a substantial proportion of big pharma originated. Check out the origins and Germanic names.
Check out my post on mark of the Beast and the marks of Germany.
At the end the surgeon says
In spite of being Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery at a large specialty heart hospital I found that I could not change Medicine no matter how much I preached and pleaded, no matter how much scientific evidence I gathered that cholesterol was not a problem and that treating cholesterol with medications was counter productive.
So I made that difficult decision and left my successful surgical practice in order to have the freedom to speak, write and teach the truth about heart disease. I wrote a book The Cure for Heart Disease, which explains that the real cause of heart disease is low grade inflammation. For without inflammation cholesterol would never accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause plaque with its eventual consequence of heart attack and death.
So here is someone standing up for his principles over power and money.
Here’s another article, UK based from 2019.
Latest statin scam | Mis-selling them to pensioners
By Jerome Burne
It says
Claim of 8000 lives saved – a falsehood
Zoe Harcombe, a doctor, has analysed an article by
CTT (Cholesterol Treatment Trialists Collaboration), a unit in Oxford which has been publishing the results of analyses of statin trials for over 20 years – mostly in the Lancet –that almost invariably claim that lives could be saved if more people took statins. The effect has been to get more and more people on the drugs as each new claim makes more people eligible, never fewer.
As you can read, we have the same problem that big pharma fund the studies so they would say that statins are good, money talks.
But ultimately no one can say any one life is saved by a drug, it is as I have said before its mere wishful thinking with no substance. Too many factors are involved in an individual’s life which impact on their health and things change over time.
Jerome Burne says that in essence it is claimed that however healthy you are you need a statin. That’s the presumption by the statin marketers. However,
These criticisms of the latest extravagant claim for statins are not the work of medically ignorant celebrities and politicians, they are the work of well-informed scientists who understand biomedical statistics and deserves serious consideration, not aggressive denigration.
But it is important to appreciate that the Lancet paper can be seen as part of the wider statin project, designed solely to get as many people on the drugs as possible by replacing science with marketing.
Reference is made to Malcolm Kendrick, a doctor. You will find him on WordPress and worth checking his articles.
Jerome Burne says at the end of his article:
But from the perspective of project statin, there’s no need for an explanation, all that’s needed is sales.
What else can one say, but true.
Summary and final observations
So we have big pharma offering statins for heart disease and making huge amounts of money, although nowadays I believe vaccines have overtaken them in revenue generation.
Given its record on vaccines and drugs in the past, and its various frauds, why should people trust them on statins?
The two types of statins, one synthetic and one fermentation derived, both have side effects, and significant enough to wonder why people bother.
The synthetic ones seem worse, but that doesn’t say a lot for the fermented ones when one could just eat what they are derived from.
I judge that the ones with nitrogen and fluorine are particularly bad and neuro-toxic whilst the others are probably just highly oxidising, over refined and too strong.
In reality, the deceit of statins being a Good Idea stems from the idea of bad cholesterol which just isn’t true, and the harm of disrupting the carriers of cholesterol, outweighs any perceived benefits.
It should be born in mind that if big pharma couldn’t make money from statins etc. they would not produce them.
They really aren’t there to make you better, merely to deceive you into buying stuff you don’t need at best and harmful or deadly at worst.
And buying stuff at as high a price as they can extort from you or government on your behalf.
You should avoid statins like vaccines and do something sensible instead. This includes:
Boosting your vitamin D – get out in the sun
Exercise as best you can – start gently and work up
Avoid chemically treated products and processed foods. The level of processing will vary, and some process always occurs in making food but the more processed the more suspect it will be.
Eat a balanced diet focusing on fresh fruit and vegetables and buy as local as possible, something that hasn’t travelled miles to get to your plate.
Some people object to meat on principal but I don’t. But it should be of good quality, and not pumped up with hormones or chlorinated etc. A little can go a long way. My mother was an expert at that and I do the same.
Avoid anxious stress as far as possible as this is considered the worst harmer and killer. I have said before but it is written what you fear will come upon you.
But perfect love casts out fear. And love? Well I say God is love.
And as for statins, well as a MidWesternDoctor thinks of statins as Satans, I say quite right! It is written, turn to God, resist the Devil and he, the devil, will flee from you.
So resist statins please, and make it part of the Great Resist!
P.S. For light relief after that how about Bonnie Tyler, It’s a heart ache.
She sings ‘it’s nothing but a fool’s game’ which sums up statins I feel!
If you want more information on things I have raised above, I have these posts.
On substack as well as WordPress
What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.
British Heart Foundation – what are they saying about Covid 19 and vaccines?
Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.
Lies are Unbekoming has this on statins for those who wish to look further.
Hiya again, my research leads me to say that Med diets are healthy despite, not because of, oily fish and shellfish consumption https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/fatty-fish-consumption-and-cvd