The Big Pharma health business model in a nutshell – drugs
By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
It is quite simple. To make as much money off the unfortunate punter foolish enough to be sucked into its paws by the clever hypnotic incessant advertising.
Big Pharma is not interested in your health, only your wealth at the expense of your health.
The typical approach is to take something natural and cheap, and refine it to a white powder.
All the original supporting elements which made the original diluted enough to be safely used without interference are removed.
Then the laboratory technicians in their nice white coats add bulking agents to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!
But if they can charge the earth for it they will, especially if governments like here in the UK pay for it on our behalf whether we like it or not. I don’t like it at all.
Of course to help market the product they will use colours and dyes as this makes them more attractive to children and adults who like colour over substance. Remember also polio vaccine was once was delivered on a sugar cube. I believe I had it around 6 years old.
This is reminds me of the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a wonderful film.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) – The Child Catcher Scene (8/12) | Movieclips
Catching people when they are young and vulnerable is big pharma’s game. They will be customers for life which will be shorter than it need be.
It has always been about the money and not about health. The plants etc. taken from the earth were cheap or free but big pharma does not like free as it does not suit its business model.
Summary and final thoughts.
Big pharma are only interested in your money.
They want you to be ill or else you will not be a customer.
They deceive you into taking poisons by lying to you; they call it advertising.
They will provide loss leaders to lead you into their snare.
They will use the medics to promote them as people trust so-called experts (that is they call themselves experts) in white coats as white means pure like the driven snow.
Except it is a lie as underneath there are dark hearts in those who push them for profit.
It is written the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
And that the false profit (sic) will be thrown into the lake of fire along with those who make it.
P.S. For more nutshells there are these links of mine.
Toby Rogers's stack has a good post on the big pharma fraud.
Agree wholeheartedly.
Pfizer suing Poland for refusing vaccine products, the contract, tgey never signed, but von der Leyen did on their behalf...
Thanks, EU...
Pfizer has to sue, to keep up appearances.
I only wish that they are unsuccessful...