Toby Rogers's stack has a good post on the big pharma fraud.


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Agree wholeheartedly.

Pfizer suing Poland for refusing vaccine products, the contract, tgey never signed, but von der Leyen did on their behalf...

Thanks, EU...

Pfizer has to sue, to keep up appearances.

I only wish that they are unsuccessful...

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Many thanks for drawing that to my attention, Indrek. For my reference as much as anything but others might be interested, I put this link up which I found just now and explains a bit more.


Poland must win. It should point out that poisoning the people of Poland wasn't in the contract!

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One of the worst pharmaceutical disasters causing disability, deformities, blindness, deafness

or malformed internal organs was Thalidomide. It occurred more than 60 years ago.

Expectant mothers who took the drug were assured by doctors and chemists that the drug

was perfectly safe for them and for their baby.

Just one dose was enough to inflict a lifetime of damage on an unborn child, or premature death.

Today the Australian prime minister, Anthony Albanese, apologised.

“Today, on behalf of the people of Australia, our government and this parliament, offer a full

unreserved and overdue apology to all thalidomiide survivors, their families, loved ones, and

carers. This apology takes in one of the darkest chapters in Australian medical history, when

expectant mothers through no fault of their own were exposed to a drug with devastating

effects that was realised far too late. All over the country, expectant mothers were assured

by doctors and chemists and advertisements that this drug was perfectly safe for them and

for their baby.

To the survivors - we apologise for the pain thalidomide has inflicted on each and every one

of you each and every day. We are sorry. We are more sorry than we can say.

We are sorry for the harm and the hurt and the hardship you have endured.

We are sorry for all the cruelty you have had to bear…..

Too often we have let you down. Today, at long last, Australia will say sorry”

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Thanks Fay for highlighting this. Yes, I remember about it very well. And history is repeating itself as big pharma still are at their evil game. Apologies from Anthony Albanese are not enough, big pharma must be destroyed.

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Agree 100%. Canada is a slave to Big Pharma too. Plus Big Pharma donates to universities, colleges, social service programs etc. Their blood money is everywhere and rather than say no thanks, people gladly accept. They're selling their souls and sacrificing their children and aren't even aware.

Greed is a nasty monster.

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Well said.

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Now, That’s the truth!!

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A patient cured is a customer lost.

– Big Pharma

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Blaming big anything for maximizing profits is a wrong approach. In the capitalist model of the society, profit is the driving force for everything - it is justified, reasonable and effective for the assessment of how the business fares. All entrepreneurs and shareholders are obliged to prioritize profits. If you do not like “profiting”, anyone can establish a “non-profit” - the name says it all. But undertakings under commercial rules cannot be motivated by not earning money.

I guess we have a problem of conscience here, not of cash flows. Health and all health-related activities should be excluded from restrictions of business operations, without any exceptions. No patents, no copyrights, no confidentiality, no legal tricks, no cosmic money involved - simply because health is the primary value on which the entire social existence is based. It’s not even a necessity: it is a core value.

Once we manage to make health care the FREE common good available to anyone at zero cost, no questions asked, no conditions set, with no undue delay when needed, we may talk about us being human. Maybe it’s time for us to finally grow up…

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This is about the false profit Dan, making money off ill health. It is the pharma model. I can't see why you wish to consider that I am blaming big anything for maximizing profits.

But anybody who does that at the expense of others by deceiving them is wrong and harmful to people as a whole.

Money in itself is but a useful tool; the love of money leads to evil.

But the whole pharma model is corrupt. It is evil. Period.

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I understand your point, which is ok for me. I merely point to the fact that "health" as a prerogative of life - and social coexistence - should never be part of any financial dealings. Not a cent.

Once you allow money to be a means of settlements for life and health, we all roll downhill.

Love of money is overpriced, so to say. If you ever met or know somebody who is extremely affluent, you know that these people don't care about money, they don't need to. Money is an object of love only for those who don't have enough of it to peacefully satisfy daily needs.

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I must disagree with your last paragraph. As to who one would count as extremely affluent that is debatable, but I cannot say I know intimately anyone who has a great deal of money.

However, whilst those who have an excess may not care about it, they are still amassing it at the expense of others, so they do love money and it causes evil.

As to those who don't have enough money for practical needs, they do not have to love it to need it.

It is written in the book of Proverbs 30 v. 8-9

"Keep falsehood and deceitful words far from me. Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the bread that is my portion. Otherwise, I may have too much and deny You, saying, ‘Who is the LORD?’ Or I may become poor and steal, profaning the name of my God."

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Loving money has nothing to do with evil. Love is the basic attraction factor for anything. Love is the magic key that opens our perception and allows the understanding of how things happen. Without love for the work you do you will only be a toxic employee, either “existing” or preying on effort of others (which is the case in a lot of jobs, unfortunately). Money is a means of exchange, and you have to love (= accept in your life and appreciate for what it is) it to use it. Problems may arise when money is used as a bargain card - instead of being a means of exchange.

Multiplying money is a special skill in the most positive meaning of the word. Not everyone has it, not everyone can use it. Just like with everything else in life, some are gardeners, some make bread, some destroy to make their living, and some are completely useless for the society and have the same right to be here as those who think of themselves as saviors to others. Quantifying others or accusing them for loving or not loving money or anything else is not ours to do.

Whatever we do is always at the expense of others. The “moral” point is to gather a team in which everybody knows their place and accepts it, knowing that everyone is paying one way or another. Some pay with effort, some with hard labor, some with wasted personal life, some with loneliness, some with affluence. Elevating some people over others because they do not or cannot focus on money is missing the point. Same with negating those who find joy in multiplying their figures. So what? If they like it, that’s great. Where there is a lot of money, there will always be breadcrumbs for others. But a poor person won’t give you shelter because theirs is not large enough for them…

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Of course loving money has something to do with evil, don't be ridiculous Dan. I clearly said money is a useful tool. But like any tool it can be abused.

Big pharma among many others love money and they don't care how they get it, that is what my post was about. You seem to be missing the point, big pharma poisons people for profit. That is a gross evil.

I guess you love money Dan as you seem to be fixated on it. Well you can't serve God and money, you have to choose one or the other.

As for "But a poor person won’t give you shelter because theirs is not large enough for them…", how do you know what a poor person might do, you cannot speak for all poor people.

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